Home / News / BKP talks about the One GA event in Forsyth, the Queen’s funeral this morning.

BKP talks about the One GA event in Forsyth, the Queen’s funeral this morning.


Yes­ter­day, we attend­ed the One Geor­gia Event in Cum­ming with Stacey Abrams and the entire demo­c­rat tick­et for Forsyth Coun­ty minus Raphael Warnock. BKP asked the democ­rats inter­viewed what are the top 3 issues on the bal­lot in Novem­ber? Stacey Abrams could not fill the audi­to­ri­um. This was not a hard loca­tion to get too from Gwin­nett, Cobb. 

These four kids did an inter­pre­tive dance on the stage of the event. The back­ground screen was run­ning the left lean­ing web­sites, like black lives mat­ter, Human Rights Cam­paign while the kids are hold­ing flags (Pride, Sup­port our Troops, Black Lives Mat­ter). The kids came out lat­er to give Stacey some flowers. 

In the 3 hours of demo­c­rat talk only once did they men­tion Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s name was not men­tioned, espe­cial­ly with the top tier can­di­dates. But they were cel­e­brat­ing because of the folks in GA elect­ing Osoff and Warnock. 

Joe Biden’s inter­view on 60 min­utes last night. There wasn’t any push back or fol­low up on any of the questions. 

The Queen’s funer­al was this morn­ing. Jill is hold­ing the hand of Joe, and it’s not out of pas­sion. Joe is just days away from need­ing a leash. Jill is Joe’s human leash. 

Queen Eliz­a­beth is a chris­t­ian. The chris­t­ian funer­al was impres­sive. Appar­ent­ly she wrote the plans for her funer­al and was very clear dic­tat­ing how it was to proceed. 

On 60 min­utes, last night they dis­cussed Biden’s tragedies in his life. But glossed right over that Jill the babysit­ter was right there. Jill was ready to hold Joe’s hand a long time ago. 

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