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NOT MY BACKYARD… Laws need to be enforced at BORDER


Raphael Warnock did not show at the event yes­ter­day in Forsyth. BKP believes there is some­thing going on between the Stacey Abrams cam­paign and Warnock. He is the only top tier can­di­date that was not there yesterday. 

Yes­ter­day while watch­ing the morn­ing shows, BKP announced a long time ago, maybe about 2 months ago, they will turn the approval rat­ing on Joe Biden. The media has done every­thing they could do with the dis­as­ter stock mar­ket and infla­tion num­bers. They are report­ing the infla­tion num­bers as though it has hit a plateau. A can­di­date yes­ter­day said that the infla­tion has been absorbed. But they nev­er bring up this poll, the direc­tion of the coun­try 68% say it’s on the wrong track, an NBC poll. And yes­ter­day he ran the “Poll Vault, Biden’s num­bers on the rise”. 

Over 2 mil­lions have crossed the bor­der. “It’s okay in your neck of the woods, but not in my back­yard” Venezuela is emp­ty­ing pris­ons and send­ing vio­lent crim­i­nals to US bor­der DHS reports says. Maybe Ron DeSan­tis didn’t want 50 pos­si­ble crim­i­nals in FL. but if you send them to Martha’s Vine­yard, they shipped them out real quick. Face the Nation, can’t this be a win, win. We need work­ers. This is begin­ning to be the demo­c­rat talk­ing point. The democ­rats are say­ing that it is a kid­nap­ping for DeSan­tis because the migrants were promised a sur­prise at the end of the trip. 30 of the migrants have lawyers claim­ing DeSan­tis false­ly promised them jobs and immi­gra­tion help. 

The Demo­c­rat El Paso may­or jus­ti­fies send­ing migrants to NYC say­ing,” I am help­ing them get to their pre­ferred des­ti­na­tion.” Where are the got­aways and the ones that are being shipped around the country. 

Biden can not be Com­man­der in Chief. Biden vows US troops will defend Tai­wan if Chi­na invades while the WH main­tains the offi­cial pol­i­cy of strate­gic ambi­gu­i­ty still stands. Biden makes it clear that he is will­ing to send troops to help Tai­wan in a 60 min­utes interview. 

NYC is strug­gling to process 2500 migrants as El Paso process­es 2000 a day. The NYC may­or won’t admit that it is a Biden Admin­is­tra­tion issue. Remem­ber Kamala Har­ris is sup­posed to be the bor­der czar. Very lit­tle new pol­i­cy to come out of the WH in 2 years. Remem­ber Har­ris say­ing she was going to the root cause and the immi­gra­tion num­bers have increased while she has only made one trip to the bor­der. The report­ing say­ing that this is a polit­i­cal backlash/stunt. This is a dere­lic­tion of duty. Kamala Har­ris has the audac­i­ty to say this is a dere­lic­tion of duty. Not in my back­yard. It’s ok if 2000 a day in the back­yard of El Paso TX. Abbot say­ing we are just shar­ing the pain. We are the immi­grants at, they are being dropped off all over Amer­i­ca and it’s ok if it is in your back­yard. The may­or of El Paso does­n’t have the room. The migrants are sleep­ing on the streets and side­walks. Do you see any of the net­works going down to the streets of El Paso or talk­ing about the crim­i­nals com­ing across the bor­der? Biden says there is a process in place at the border. 

May­or Bows­er said DC is not Texas and not a bor­der town, but the May­or of El Paso didn’t sound like he can han­dle the 2000 migrants a day.
Democ­rats have group think­ing. They aren’t allowed to have indi­vid­ual thoughts. They all had the same talk­ing points. 

In Lare­do TX, 21–26 bus­es a day are being sent out across Amer­i­ca. The Admin­is­tra­tion needs to enforce the law and show the reper­cus­sions. Hen­ry Cuel­lar (D‑TX) say­ing that we need to enforce the laws already on the books that can turn peo­ple back. And return peo­ple and show images of peo­ple being returned. The car­tels run the bor­der, at $8000 per per­son and 4million migrants that is a huge pay­day for the car­tels. Every­one that comes across is con­trolled by the car­tel they are very suf­fo­cat­ed. We don’t have a check­point big enough to catch every­thing that is com­ing across the border. 

IF they end up in GA, NC, PA, KS MI, just don’t let them end up in Martha’s Vine­yard or Kamala Har­ris’ backyard. 

Yes­ter­day in 2.5 hours there was not one men­tion of the bor­der. Every­one that was inter­viewed there wasn’t a men­tion of the bor­der. They strug­gled to answer ques­tions about the border. 

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