Home / News / Biden is Sick and the Democrats with the Help of Media has a Chance in November

Biden is Sick and the Democrats with the Help of Media has a Chance in November

The democ­rats talked about elec­tion deniers, Roe v Wade, edu­ca­tion and get­ting the books back in school, gun vio­lence, sav­ing the democ­ra­cy. But you dont hear any­thing on infla­tion or the bor­der. Gro­ceries up 13.5% year over year. 78% say infla­tion has caused hard­ship. Busi­ness­es are start­ing to cut jobs. Biden isnt get­ting the infor­ma­tion. Biden says on 60 min­utes. Infla­tion rate month to month is just up an inch. We are in a posi­tion that in the last sev­er­al months it is basi­cal­ly even. And Democ­rats were say­ing that yes­ter­day that the infla­tion is absorbed in. What about the poor peo­ple? That is the way they look at the gas prices. It just went up an inch and it has lev­eled out. Accord­ing to Joe it wont get any worse before it gets bet­ter. Yet they told us there would­nt be any infla­tion, it would be tran­si­to­ry.

Biden is prepar­ing to send our kids to Tai­wan if Chi­na attacks. Med­ical pro­fes­sion­als are look­ing at this guy know­ing that it is emp­ty back there and he is able to send troops to bat­tle. There was­nt any push back on any of the ques­tions in 60 min­utes.

Joe said that he was fit for office, he told us to Watch him. We are watch­ing you, falling up the steps to Air Force One, shak­ing hands with the air, not know­ing where to go after a speech. Trump used to take ques­tions before get­ting on the heli­copter every­day. Joe goes on vaca­tion every­day. When he leaves to go to the heli­copter, when was the last time he walked up to the reporters to take ques­tions. Remem­ber when the east­er bun­ny brought him back. You know how many times Joe has wan­dered off and Jill runs to get him. Lets not for­get all the cheat sheets. We watch you when you do a so-called press con­fer­ence and you have the ques­tions already answered. He cant take ques­tions, if he did you would know imme­di­ate­ly he is suf­fer­ing.

Democ­rats are in trou­ble and they know it but between them and the media they stand a chance in Novem­ber.

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