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Current Polling in AZ, OH, PA, and GA

Why Lind­sey Gra­ham on ABC defend­ing his fed­er­al ban on abor­tion at 15 weeks. Democ­rats cant give you an answer on abor­tion. Democ­rats have a group think. They can not give you a lim­it on abor­tion.

In AZ with infla­tion and the bor­der, Blake Mas­ter is down 2 to Kel­ly and Lake is up 4 over Hobbs.

In OH. Sat­ur­day Trump did a ral­ly in OH. Vance is up over Ryan by 4 but still not break­ing the 50 mark. DeWine beats the 50 and is over Wha­ley by 17. Accord­ing to the hypo­thet­i­cal rematch of Trump bv Biden, Trump is up by 10 break­ing 50.

In PA Fet­ter­man is over Ox by 2 and Shaprio is over Mas­tri­ano by 2. The Trump ral­ly this week­end was right on the bor­der of PA and OH. Dr Oz has all of the Maga votes he is going to get. So if Oz tried to spend the next 50 days con­vinc­ing MAGA to vote for him it is a waste. But mod­er­ates sub­ur­ban fam­i­lies out­side of Pitts­burgh and Philly, whether they are mod­er­ate pro­fes­sion­als or pro­gres­sive pro­fes­sion­als, Fet­ter­man is not their guy. Peo­ple in PA are learn­ing for the first time who Fet­ter­man real­ly is. 75% did not know who Fet­ter­man is.

New poll says the GA gov race is too close to call. This could pos­si­bly go in a runoff in GA. they are too close to call. Yes­ter­day with Stacey Abrams in Forsyth Co. the NY times and AJC tried to make Forsyth a racist coun­ty. In Forsyth, a Geor­gia coun­ty with racist his­to­ry, fliers paint Abrams as an invad­ing ene­my. Say­ing the repub­li­can fli­er to protest the event on Sun­day was racist.

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