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Polling in GA — The AJC poll gives the GOP the edge

Oct 3, BKP will make his pre­dic­tions of what the out­come will be in the Novem­ber 8 elec­tion. It will be before any vote starts.

In Hartwell, the entire repub­li­can tick­et was there on Sat­ur­day.

Demo­c­rat text mes­sage. There is des­per­a­tion in the demo­c­rat camp. It is doubt­ful that they will break away from their talk­ing points. Appar­ent­ly the repub­li­can talk­ing points are infla­tion and bor­der. The democ­rats are so out of touch with what is hap­pen­ing in Amer­i­ca.

MSNBC migrant bor­der cross­ings hit record high. Why is MSNBC car­ry­ing the repub­li­can talk­ing points?

Democ­rats are in dis­ar­ray and are in big trou­ble. Stacey Abrams can­not fill an audi­to­ri­um. Democ­rats have no ener­gy and enthu­si­asm.

The AJC poll gives the GOP the edge in most races with a bleak pic­ture for the democ­rats in Novem­ber. WE explained what hap­pened in KS, it was nev­er a con­cern. The spe­cial elec­tion in NY was the bell­wether elec­tion. It was to be this big indi­ca­tor on how the elec­tion was to go in Novem­ber. But the truth is the Repub­li­can can­di­date ran so far away from Don­ald Trump that Trump sup­port­ers did­nt come out to vote for him. We havent hit the win­ning line. We will prob­a­bly have a pho­to fin­ish on many races. The poll of like­ly vot­ers showed Walk­er and Warnock with­in the mar­gin of error, Kemp over Abrams by 8, If Warnock and Walk­er go to a runoff, if this makes 51 in a runoff that will be a race. This is a cou­ple of polls that Kemp has hit the 50% mark.

Abrams and Warnock will not show up to cam­paign again. Abrams does­nt have any fol­low­ing. Kemp is a demo­c­rat as he needs to be and mod­er­ate as he needs to be. Kemp has made democ­rats hap­py. Kemp has made the mod­er­ate, i.e. cham­ber of com­merce, hap­py. IF you like Joe Bidens Amer­i­ca, you will love Stacey Abrams GA. this week­end the top­ics were abor­tion, vot­er sup­pres­sion, gun vio­lence, occas­sion­al­ly schools. Abrams has to have some­thing up her sleeve. Even try­ing to get the black male vote, back­ing sports beg­ging hop­ing that is a black male issue. Kemp is not beg­ging repub­li­cans to come home, because we do know the Trump Kemp issue. Stacey Abrams is beg­ging democ­rats to come home.

We have nev­er lost faith in the sen­ate can­di­date and the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Her­schel will win the Sen­ate seat. Her­schel Walk­er has the best com­mer­cial run­ning right now, going over the divi­sive state­ments that are being made by the democ­rats. Her­schel comes back say­ing that democ­rats are relat­ing every­thing to race and racism. And that the peo­ple need to unite. Her­schel is doing fine and will do fine. If there is a debate, Her­schel will win the debate. The num­ber one thing that Her­schel has going for him is its col­lege foot­ball sea­son. Her­schel is a very kind man.

51% of GA vot­ers want Repub­li­cans to win con­trol of con­gress and 70% say the coun­try is on the wrong track. 37% approve of BIdens per­for­mance, while Bidens approval is rebound­ing in some bat­tle­ground states, GA remains under­wa­ter, accord­ing to AJC polls.

Down bal­lot: Burt Jones led Char­lie Bai­ley by 10, and Raf­fensperg­er over Nguyen by 19 and Carr over Jor­dan by 10.

Are democ­rats that far out of touch that they dont catch on?

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