Home / News / Where are they NOW? Another Annual Record Broken — 2 Million Illegals, with a month to go.

Where are they NOW? Another Annual Record Broken — 2 Million Illegals, with a month to go.

We talked about the polling and we are con­nect­ed to Amer­i­ca. Repub­li­cans have the ener­gy lev­el through the roof, it’s enor­mous. It will be inter­est­ing if Warnock and Abrams lose in GA and the research for the mon­ey spent in GA and why it isnt con­nect­ing to the peo­ple.

Where are the rest? It was great that Ron DeSan­tis sent two planes to Marthas Vine­yard. There are com­mu­ni­ties in the big cities that they dont want the vis­i­tors to see. And Ron DeSan­tis brought that to the front page, send­ing the mes­sage that if you dont want them in your back­yard why would we.

Bidens bor­der cri­sis breaks anoth­er annu­al record, 2 mil­lion ille­gals arrest­ed at the bor­der in one year for the first time in his­to­ry. Why arent the democ­rats con­cerned about the fen­tanyl com­ing across our bor­der? Our enlist­ment is down because many of our chil­dren are tak­ing fen­tanyl unbe­nounced to them and it is in their sys­tem. And they arent pass­ing the drug test to get into the mil­i­tary. Joe, have you looked at what is hap­pen­ing to our mil­i­tary when you were want­i­ng to send them over to Tai­wan to go to war with Chi­na?

The media is try­ing to push out the top issues they want the Amer­i­cans to be con­cerned with. They tried to push out the polling about Sav­ing the Democ­ra­cy, a cou­ple of weeks ago.

The graves of uniden­ti­fied migrants lay bare the hor­rif­ic toll of Bidens bor­der cri­sis, 782 in a year is a record high. The car­tels are run­ning the south­ern bor­der. We sup­port our bor­der patrol. But why is Biden allow­ing this to hap­pen? They are peo­ple that are dying. Remem­ber it’s a human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis on the bor­der. You dont have Abbott, Ducey, and DeSan­tis using peo­ple as polit­i­cal pawns; they are try­ing to bring atten­tion to the issue. This is what they want you to wor­ry about, that the migrants sent to Marthas Vine­yard were promised cash and job help. They were in Amer­i­ca and they wer­ent hun­gry. Both net­works opened with a crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion after migrant flights to Marthas Vine­yard, they are inves­ti­gat­ing Ron DeSan­tis. With 2 mil­lion cross­ing our bor­der this year, and near­ing a mil­lion got­away, where are they now in Amer­i­ca? Sign­ing a bill with 87K IRS agents when our bor­der is wide open and fen­tanyl com­ing across the bor­der. Dri­ve through the sub­urbs today. This is not just a white sub­urb issue. Charle­magne says the bus­ing migrants is genius and the pan­el points out that demo­c­rat cities ship their home­less to sur­round­ing coun­ties. How many home­less are shipped out of the demo­c­rat cities?

Maybe Chi­na and these car­tels are get­ting fen­tanyl into this coun­try for a rea­son. Reports show­ing that the mil­i­tary recruit­ment is dying because of obe­si­ty, drug use, health prob­lems.

This is what the MSM wants you to focus on is the doc­u­ments and the Jan 6 com­mu­ni­ty to intro­duce the bipar­ti­san bill to pre­vent anoth­er jan 6.

What Amer­i­cans are attuned with and how bad democ­rats are miss­ing the mark­er.

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