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What Concerns Americans: The Inflation, The Border & The Crazy

Puer­to Rico 90% are out of pow­er because of the hur­ri­cane. Is Biden on his way to Puer­to Rico? In Jack­son MS, a city of 150K peo­ple and 120K black. Joe Biden did­nt go vis­it with the cit­i­zens lack­ing drink­ing water.

They want you to believe that Amer­i­c­as are inter­est­ed in. House eyes vote on new bipar­ti­san bill to pre­vent anoth­er Jan 6 from hap­pen­ing. If there is a bill on the floor to keep Jan 6 from hap­pen­ing, so you’re telling me that Mike Pence had dif­fer­ent options. The pres­i­den­tial elec­tion reform act: spec­i­fies vice pres­i­den­t’s role in count­ing votes, rais­es thresh­old for object­ing to elec­tors, forces states to cer­ti­fy only law­ful win­ners, bars states from chang­ing rules after an elec­tion. WE have been told that Pence could not do any­thing dif­fer­ent. How do you deter­mine Law­ful Win­ners? Why is the word law­ful in front of that? The amount of times that our elec­tion offi­cials were aware of the fraud in our elec­tions in GA and they say­ing they had to cer­ti­fy the elec­tion then they could get into court. The democ­rats think the elec­toral count is your con­cern.

The real con­cerns Amer­i­cans have:
The annu­al infla­tion rate — The demo­c­rat can­di­date Chrisi­tain said that the infla­tion has been absorbed into their dai­ly life. And it is bare­ly up accord­ing to Biden. A black vot­er that reports he got a mod­est raise last year but the cost of goods has tak­en the raise. The goods cost $460 more a month.

COVID — Biden says its over and CDC say­ing that Covid could remain as the top 3 caus­es of death and could have a win­ter surge. The White House had to walk back the Biden com­ments on COVID, like they did on the Taiwan/China Ware. They cant let him take ques­tions. If COVID is over let’s take the masks off our kids in fed­er­al head start class­es. NYC fires teach­ers for not com­ply­ing to vac­cine man­dates. Experts are alarmed about COVID vac­ci­na­tion rates among kids. It is a shot to cur­tail the symp­toms of covid. It is not a vac­cine. Covid the cre­at­ed cri­sis in amer­i­ca. Vac­ci­nat­ing kids is not nec­es­sary. Fir­ing teach­ers is not nec­es­sary.

The Crazy — Levine opens World Pro­fes­sion­al Asso­cial for Trans­gen­der Health con­fer­ence with activist man­i­festo. Levine moved his moth­er from a nurs­ing home in PA before send­ing recov­er­ing covid patients into nurs­ing homes. This is the man that is in charge of the health in your pub­lic schools. There is an explo­sion of kids com­ing home and announc­ing they are trans­gen­der because of what is going on in our schools. And the par­ents arent the dom­i­nant force in their homes. Schools and in their chil­drens lives.

Ille­gals cross­ing the bor­der — Migrant bor­der cross­ing hit record high. Where are they now? Maybe the democ­rats are miss­ing the reports of the record num­bers com­ing across and the crim­i­nals that are com­ing into the US, the report of the record num­ber of deaths from fen­tanyl, the record num­ber of deaths at the bor­der, the cit­i­zens ani­mals being killed at the bor­der, the car­tels run­ning the bor­der, how many bus­es are leav­ing the bor­der and the amount of mon­ey that the car­tels are mak­ing off the migrants. Maybe you’re miss­ing the report. But Amer­i­cans are not and they will show up to vote and it is not because of the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments in Mar-a-Lago.

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