Home / News / The Media will Try to Turn the Inflation Around, But WE Know It IS LIES

The Media will Try to Turn the Inflation Around, But WE Know It IS LIES

The democ­rats say the infla­tion has been absorbed by the peo­ple. The fed­er­al reserve is about to raise the inter­est rate and if that caus­es you to let some­one go.
But this is what is impor­tant to the democ­rats and cor­po­rate cor­rupt media. Vol­un­teer pilots fly ida­ho patients seek­ing abor­tion care.

Democ­rats are run­ning so far away from the infla­tion because they are the ones that caused it. Bare essen­tials jumped 13.5% year over year, caus­ing a strain on work­ing fam­i­lies. ? of vot­ers say their incomes are falling behind the cost of liv­ing and gro­cery bills. The econ­o­my is the top pri­or­i­ty in the midterms. Its the econ­o­my stu­pid.

They will tell so many lies on how infla­tion is turn­ing. If infla­tion hits that plateau and just ticks down an inch. Pick­les will still be $5. If the jar goes to %4.98 it will still be $5. No mat­ter what the media tries to do between now and the elec­tion, the pick­les will be $5.

After the pan­dem­ic and the stolen elec­tion, Trump said the econ­o­my will be a V. it will shoot straight back up. Trump knew it would fire back up when every­thing opened up. Trump was ready with all the right busi­ness peo­ple into the White House. His team was ready to han­dle this. And you see what Biden has done.

Fet­ter­man Alert: Dr. Oz run­ning against the cur­rent Lt. Gov in PA, Fet­ter­man. John Fet­ter­man is the worst oppo­nent in the US. he wants to legal­ize drugs, talk­ing about opi­ates, want­i­ng to have safe injec­tion spaces (see­ing what hap­pened with San Fran), and emp­ty the pris­ons. He is on the parole board releas­ing crim­i­nals. Repub­li­can cir­cles say the debate may or may not hap­pen. Fet­ter­man wants it in late Octo­ber say­ing his recov­ery will be bet­ter then. But in real­i­ty he wants ear­ly vot­ing well on its way and almost fin­ished before he debates because he does­nt want mod­er­ates to look at him on the stage to change their mind. If he debates it will be a land­slide. If Fet­ter­man has a suit on he has a horse col­lar or he is in a sweat­shirt with the hood­ie propped up. What is with the growth on the back of his neck?

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