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What DeSantis Did Highlights the Issue, It Was Not a Political Stunt.

Talk­ing about muti­lat­ing our chil­dren. They are the ones that are the future of our coun­try. They are the ones that can save our repub­lic. They are the ones that could cor­rect our elec­tions. They are the ones that can pro­tect us from our ene­mies for­eign and domes­tic. At 9 am we will talk about a sto­ry around Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greenes bill Pro­tect­ing Chil­drens Inno­cence.

It will not be until Jim Jor­dan and get­ting con­trol of the house will some­thing get done about the doc­u­ments in Mar-a-Lago.

2.2 mil­lion have crossed the bor­der. There have been reports of 500K but we know it is clos­er to 800K to a mil­lion that got away. Lets just say there are 3million peo­ple that crossed the bor­der. There were thou­sands that were sent to NYC, Chica­go, and DC and they sent 50 to Marthas Vine­yard. How is the coun­try react­ing to that. MSNBC reports that Ron DeSan­tis keeps White House Delaware offi­cials guess­ing on migrant flight. Tout­ing that it would be out­ra­geous that the gov­er­nors of FL, TX and AZ arent com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the sanc­tu­ary cities that they are send­ing the migrants too. Is the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the gov­er­nors across this coun­try, the may­ors, the coun­ties and cities across this coun­ty of where the ille­gals are going? They are suing Ron DeSan­tis with a class action law­suit over the being promised offered cash assis­tance, employ­ment and hous­ing ser­vices to go to Marthas Vine­yard. The demo­c­rat sher­iff whos prob­ing Ron DeSan­tis and Greg Abbott for human traf­fick­ing claims US should embrace 2M migrants whove flood­ed over the bor­der because the coun­try needs more restau­rant staff. Ron DeSan­tis did this to high­light the issue, not a polit­i­cal stunt.

DOJ charges accuse 48 in $250M meals fraud.

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