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Democrats praying to hold on to 50–50 Senate

Kemp extends gas tax break until after Novem­ber elec­tion. BKP rec­om­mends walk­ing up to the win­dow and ask if the sta­tion is rec­og­niz­ing the 30 cent gas tax and does the price take off the gas tax. There are gas sta­tions that are not giv­ing the gas tax to the con­sumer.

Ogre Alert. Democ­rats’ hope to retain the Sen­ate is col­laps­ing. Fet­ter­man has lost it. Barnes has lost it. So the Molo­tov Cock­tail has been thrown into GA. John Fet­ter­man as Lt Gov­er­nor sits on the parole board in PA. Fet­ter­man is hap­py to release back to the com­mu­ni­ty a first degree mur­der­er who stabbed a man 26 times with gar­den shears.

It is eas­i­er to get fen­tanyl in Philly than it is to get baby for­mu­la. They cant get baby for­mu­la and good prices because of the crime and drug prob­lem in their cities. The peo­ple want peace and a good place to raise their fam­i­lies.

Chris Cuo­mo blasts his for­mer employ­er and oth­er out­lets for cater­ing to group­think.

El Pasos hyp­o­crit­i­cal dems are work­ing with the White House to qui­et­ly bus thou­sands of migrants north using fed­er­al mon­ey, unlike Abbott, Ducey and DeSan­tis. Where are they drop­ping them off because it sure isnt Marthas Vine­yards.

Home prices across the US are post­ing biggest month­ly declines since 2009. Lum­ber prices are going down because sup­ply is up and demand is down because home build­ing is declind­ing.

The media is busy wor­ry­ing about the doc­u­ments.

You have to have Ukraine in the news to be able to go back to the well to get more mon­ey. They want to keep crime like Fet­ter­man let­ting mur­ders out of jail, they want to keep how easy it is to get drugs on the streets vs baby for­mu­la, they want to keep the muti­la­tion of our kids off the front page and in doing so they run sto­ries about Rus­sia and Ukraine.

Wall Street is rigged. Once Wall Street became com­put­er­ized, it became total­ly rigged.

Judge smacks down Stacey Abrams Bogus claims of vot­er sup­pres­sion in 2019 elec­tion loss.

5 supreme court cas­es to watch this term. Take a look at this and do some research. We need to pay atten­tion to it with the new supreme court. Democ­rats are hop­ing they can get to 50–50 split in the sen­ate.

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