Home / News / Sirens going off in Japan & Fake News is Worried about Some Letters

Sirens going off in Japan & Fake News is Worried about Some Letters

North Korea launch­es mis­siles over Japan first since 2017. They are in Japan with sirens going off and yelling incom­ing. While Trump’s lawyers are being told that the let­ters are miss­ing from Rock­et Man, Kim Jung Un.

Its oper­a­tion El Joey, It’s how the hell to get Biden out. He checked out a long time ago but its how to get him out of office. Biden will get a bump in the approval rat­ings just for shak­ing the hand of Ron DeSan­tis. El Joey is send­ing $60M to Puer­to Rico.

El Puer­to Rican Joey say­ing he was sort of raised in a Puer­to Rico com­mu­ni­ty.
They are turn­ing the ship and they cant actu­al­ly do enough to make you feel the dif­fer­ence but they will tell you the dif­fer­ence. They will report to you every­thing they have put togeth­er to lead you to believe that it is work­ing. You will get reports show­ing favor­able pric­ing. They dont have enough time for you to feel it but they will try to manip­u­late the feel­ing.

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