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Operation Get Joe Biden the Hell Out of Here

Oper­a­tion get Joe Biden the Hell out of here. Chi­nas con­flict with Tai­wan, if it were to take place and we enter it and Joe Biden pledged to do so. Then Chi­na would then unleash on Japan and South Korea. Trump kept Kim Jung Un, Rock­et Man, calm.

Nation­al archives noti­fied Trump’s lawyers in May 2021 it was miss­ing cor­re­spon­dences from Kim Jong Un and Oba­ma.

Kamala makes a speech at the DMZ say­ing we have a great alliance with North Korea and Rock­et Man, Kim Jong Un, throws a mis­sile at Japan.

CA gov­er­nor New­som signs into law last week mak­ing the state a sanc­tu­ary state for trans­gen­der chil­dren and their fam­i­lies for gen­der affirm­ing health­care which can includ­ed puber­ty block­ers, hor­mones and surgery (mul­ti­la­tion). CA will be a sanc­tu­ary state for 12 year olds.

We have an elec­tion com­ing up in FL and Lee Coun­ty is a very large repub­li­can vote. Hur­ri­cane Ian death toll tops 100. They will take advan­tage of this storm every way they can. The peo­ple that live there part time, or trav­el there often or live there full time. We know a hur­ri­cane is a hur­ri­cane is a hur­ri­cane and under­stand the shift in the storms at the last minute. The media is attack­ing Lee Coun­ty for the lack of response. DeSan­tis sets them straight by point­ing out that the media was set up in Tam­pa pri­or to the storm because that was where the pre­dic­tions were show­ing the land­fall. The peo­ple will stay in their home if they want to stay. DeSan­tis is on the ground doing what he has to do for his state. He did­nt have time to wor­ship at the church of nature, he had to respond to a hur­ri­cane. Biden is going to FL today. Ron DeSan­tis will be a states­man and he will wel­come the Pres­i­dent but he wont kiss Bidens ass like Chris Christie did to Oba­ma dur­ing hur­ri­cane Sandy.

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