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It’s October & Election Season, The Democrat Desperation


It’s Octo­ber and it’s elec­tion sea­son. The demo­c­rat des­per­a­tion. They are des­per­ate and they are deter­mined. We are in the bat­tle for Amer­i­ca and we are not shocked. We call it the Octo­ber Sur­prise. Her­schel Walk­er paid for his girl­friends abor­tion and then right behind it his son Chris­t­ian Walk­er, open­ly gay son. He is described as a social media influ­encer. Her­schel Walker’s son lash­es out at him after abro­tion rev­e­la­tion. We don’t have a name of the per­son they are talk­ing about in the arti­cle from the Dai­ly Beast. CNN didn’t report this morn­ing from 5–6am. But MSNBC, through Politi­co and the Dai­ly Beast, the demo­c­rat arm of the media over there, are run­ning with it as though they are part of the plan. It is all an orches­trat­ed plan. They have to save Warnock’s seat. 

Joe Biden says he was “sort of raised in a Puer­to Rican town” in Delaware while mak­ing a speech in Puer­to Rico, they are in Oper­a­tion Get Joe Biden Out after the elec­tion. He was the big guy even when he was a kid. 

They are run­ning the Her­schel Walk­er sto­ry and let’s not gloss over Kamala Har­ris goes to Japan, for for­mer PM Abe’s funer­al. Then she makes a stop at the DMZ and pledges the great alliance with North Korea and then NK launch­es a mis­sile over Japan. It’s not a coincidence. 

Warnock col­lect­ed more than $26M in the lat­est fundrais­ing peri­od. Warnock is evil with a nice smile. Look at how much comes from CA. Won­der if some of the $26M influ­enced the influ­encer Chris­t­ian Walk­er. Why now? There are videos among videos with Chris­t­ian and Her­schel show­ing sup­port and love for his son and that he wasn’t abused. The democ­rats are try­ing to put the abor­tion stamp above infla­tion, crime, and border. 

They will do any­thing, lie, cheat , steal, to keep this seat. Won­der if there are any influ­encers to get this to hap­pen. The democ­rats are col­laps­ing. They are count­ing on their fin­gers and toes to make it 50–50 Sen­ate again for the next 2 years. They are a ner­vous wreck. They were hop­ing to knock off Ron John­son and JD Vance and Dr. Oz. 

Rep Liz Chaney crit­i­cizes Trump for the Death Wish remark about McConnell. WE don’t care, we don’t like Mitch McConnell. After the elec­tion Repub­li­cans could take major­i­ty and McConnell become just anoth­er Sen­a­tor and Rick Scott from FL become the next Leader of the Senate. 

Democ­rats are falling apart, it’s Octo­ber. The Her­schel Walk­er sto­ry was all orches­trat­ed. We don’t have the name of the accuser. Won­der if Chrisi­tan Walk­er got paid. They have a get well card. The claim is they have an ex-girl­fiend got reim­bursed for $575 abor­tion with $700 check in a Get Well card. The son Chris­t­ian Walk­er goes out almost imme­di­ate­ly bash­ing his dad. Chris­t­ian was not run­ning from the vio­lence when he was sit­ting next to Her­schel in nation­al inter­views and using the Walk­er name to boost your social media influ­ence. How much has Chris­t­ian Walk­er gained finan­cial­ly since Her­schel Walk­er announced his candidacy. 

MSNBC is run­ning the sto­ry with­out con­firm­ing its authen­tic­i­ty. The democ­rats are throw­ing their molo­tov cock­tail into GA. if democ­rats keep AZ and repub­li­cans keep WI OH and PA. Her­schel is the 50–50 split. This is where they thought they could cause the dam­age. It’s a total set up and lies on Her­schel Walker. 

Warnock knows he has to take the Metro Atlanta repub­li­can woman vote, this was all a scam to turn those vot­ers. Rur­al GA has to get out and vote. 

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