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Democrats want abortion on demand

Democ­rats want abor­tion on demand. They have lied. Joene did an absolute­ly amaz­ing job describ­ing abor­tion on Fri­day. They want you to believe when Roe v Wade was over­turned that the court said abor­tion was against the law. Then they say they want to cod­i­fy Roe v Wade. when Roe v wade passed it was to lim­it abor­tions. It was not intend­ed to be used the way Amer­i­cans used it and abor­tions were not to be done after via­bil­i­ty. Stacey Abrams says the heart­beat is a made up sound. They want to cod­i­fy Roe and their polling says they have a prob­lem with abor­tion on demand. Via­bil­i­ty is when the fetus can sur­vive out­side the womb with min­i­mum prob­lems. Now with sci­ence, via­bil­i­ty is about 5 months.

The mur­der of all mur­ders is when Her­schel Walk­er paid for an abor­tion. Thats what they want you to believe.

Kel­ly in AZ is the abor­tion rad­i­cal. He spon­sored a bill that would man­date abor­tion up to the moment the baby is to be born. The only coun­tries that sup­port this bill would be Chi­na and North Korea. They dont just want to cod­i­fy Roe.

Stacey Abrams wants to turn GA into the mur­der cap­i­tal of the south. She admits that 56% of black women are in the south and she does­nt want to stop them from elim­i­nat­ing their race. When she gets pushed on where her lim­its are, she says it is between the woman and the point of via­bil­i­ty deter­mined by the doc­tor.

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