Democrats want abortion on demand
Democrats want abortion on demand. They have lied. Joene did an absolutely amazing job describing abortion on Friday. They want you to believe when Roe v Wade was overturned that the court said abortion was against the law. Then they say they want to codify Roe v Wade. when Roe v wade passed it was to limit abortions. It was not intended to be used the way Americans used it and abortions were not to be done after viability. Stacey Abrams says the heartbeat is a made up sound. They want to codify Roe and their polling says they have a problem with abortion on demand. Viability is when the fetus can survive outside the womb with minimum problems. Now with science, viability is about 5 months.
The murder of all murders is when Herschel Walker paid for an abortion. Thats what they want you to believe.
Kelly in AZ is the abortion radical. He sponsored a bill that would mandate abortion up to the moment the baby is to be born. The only countries that support this bill would be China and North Korea. They dont just want to codify Roe.
Stacey Abrams wants to turn GA into the murder capital of the south. She admits that 56% of black women are in the south and she doesnt want to stop them from eliminating their race. When she gets pushed on where her limits are, she says it is between the woman and the point of viability determined by the doctor.