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Its October and we have to get the W

Its Octo­ber and we have to get the W. If you look at the polls, Fet­ter­man looks like he is ahead, Warnock looks like hes ahead, and Kel­ly looks like hes ahead. Rep Slotkin (D‑MI) says abor­tion can be legal up to via­bil­i­ty then its between the doc­tor (med­ical pro­fes­sion­al) and the moth­er. Democ­rats know they lied about cod­i­fy­ing Roe, which Roe says is via­bil­i­ty. Amer­i­cans say we are not ok with abor­tion in the third trimester. So the democ­rats have to term it as repro­duc­tive health care not abor­tion.

It could be as high as 50% of all abor­tions are done via pill. Pre­scrip­tion abor­tion on demand. You go on the web­site with the doc in the box, they give you ques­tions to answer, then you qual­i­fy for the pill. The pill gets sent to you because they are con­sid­ered a med­ical pro­fes­sion­al. Abor­tion clin­ics can pop up all over this coun­try every­where and have med­ical pro­fes­sion­als in there. It is a flat out lie. Democ­rats wants to mur­der chil­dren up to the day of deliv­ery.

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