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LOL Kari Lake is Donald Trump in Heels

MI gov­er­nor’s race says Whit­mer 49 and Dixon 44. Whit­mer is hold­ing the +5. MI could be a sur­pris­ing state in Novem­ber.

Katie Hobbs will not debate Kari Lake because the unse­cure bor­der caus­es the drug prob­lem. Kari Lake show­ing receipts of democ­rats object­ing to past elec­tions. They are try­ing to oust this woman. Say­ing she is Don­ald Trump in heels. Pre­pare your­self for this elec­tion. The democ­rats are in such dis­ar­ray and upset they will have attor­neys and will try to count bal­lots that come in after the elec­tion, from GA to CA. they will be in court chal­leng­ing every­thing they can. There will be races where you will not know the results for days after the elec­tion. We are going to have democ­rats all over the nation say­ing that there was vot­er sup­pres­sion and vot­er fraud. If you think they are going to relin­quish pow­er in the house and sen­ate you are bad­ly mis­tak­en.

Kari Lake blasts covid vac­cine for kids: Our chil­dren are not guinea pigs. Not only is it inef­fec­tive but it is dan­ger­ous for our kids.

UK Infla­tion rate sours to 10.1% in Sep­tem­ber. Report­ing that it is a glob­al prob­lem. Every­time you hear that infla­tion is a glob­al prob­lem, keep in mind it was a cre­at­ed prob­lem. Keep in mind they knew what they were caus­ing. It is a part of the Great Reset. The world wide col­lapse. Wars , rumors of wars, the pos­si­ble mon­e­tary col­lapse world­wide, infla­tion. They knew all along what they were doing.

NH, this is a wild card. Gen­er­al Don Bolduc said infla­tion is what mat­ters to peo­ple. Keep an eye on this race. We must stop the spend­ing.

They want you to believe there was a fiery emo­tion­al debate last night in FL. Val Dem­ings was angry.

Repub­li­cans are way under-polled in the polling. Kari lake wins by 2–3 points in AZ. Mas­ters will win.

PA sen­ate Oz and Fet­ter­man a sta­tis­ti­cal tie. Repub­li­cans are way under polled in PA. Oz will win. Mas­tri­ano race is an inter­est­ing race. Mas­tri­ano is the wild card in PA.

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