Home / News / Strategic Petroleum at Lowest Level Since 84 & Biden Wants to Sell More

Strategic Petroleum at Lowest Level Since 84 & Biden Wants to Sell More

The democ­rats are beg­ging you to accept their rea­sons and excus­es and what they say should be most impor­tant in your life. You were sup­posed to be trained to fol­low direc­tions dur­ing the pan­dem­ic and they are hop­ing enough of you have learned how to do that.

BKP talks base­ball

If you got up this morn­ing, they are enjoy­ing it in the media, Ana­lyst who pro­vid­ed Trump-Rus­sia Dossier infor­ma­tion is acquit­ted of lying to the FBI. You may feel that we may nev­er get to the bot­tom of this cor­rup­tion. Folks, trust that we have peo­ple that are ready to inves­ti­gate the FBI and the cor­rup­tion. A lot of the cor­rup­tion of the FBI was uncov­ered in the inves­ti­ga­tion. Noth­ing will be uncov­ered until the next Con­gress, this should ener­gize you to go vote to get a Repub­li­can Con­gress to inves­ti­gate these peo­ple.

The Big Chill: record cold. Where did glob­al warm­ing go? Just con­tin­ue to think that man can alter the cli­mate.

Biden to release 15 mil­lion bar­rels of oil in bid to curb gas prices. Strate­gic petro­le­um reserve sinks to low­est since 1984. They cant believe that you remem­ber you paid 1.85 a gal­lon not long ago. They cant believe it just because it has gone from $4 to $5 a gal­lon then down to $3.68 and you think thats high. So they are going to pull a stunt. They know they have to make it look like they are doing every­thing they can before elec­tion day. Biden is doing every­thing he can and that is all he has ever done. This is the lie that they come out and tell the Amer­i­can peo­ple that they are releas­ing the strate­gic petro­le­um reserves to push back on the Putin price hike. They have com­plete caused this. They want you to believe this is a world wide prob­lem, the reces­sion, infla­tion, gas prices. And that they are doing what they can by releas­ing the reserves. Its all a lie.

Since the start of the ukrain­ian drag us into world war 3 con­flict. WE are start­ing a bat­tle with the Saud­is. Biden went over there to beg the Saud­is to not announce they would cut pro­duc­tion 2 mil­lion bar­rels a day until after the elec­tion to manip­u­late the elec­tion. The Saud­is do it. So what do the democ­rats do? They retal­i­ate against the Saud­is. What they are doing to defend Ukraine and what could hap­pen next. It is not the time to push back on the Saud­is. Saud­is hate Iran. Sau­di and Isre­al bomb­ing iran to take out neu­cle­ur capi­bil­i­ties. So if we are going to defend Tai­wan, we have no agree­ment of a uni­fied strat­e­gy agree­ment with Tai­wan to put boots on the ground. It looks as though Xi, the dic­ta­tor in Chi­na, is on the fast track to uni­fy Tai­wan. What about israel. Iran is sup­port­ing Rus­sia with drones. And what we real­ly want to do right now is get into a con­flict and bat­tle with words with the saud­is. Right now, what about the defense of Israel. We may need to help defend Israel while Iran is sup­port­ing Rus­sia over in Ukraine. Just one thing that can hap­pen over there and all hell will break loose. This guy that is seri­ous­ly ill that we call com­man­der in cheif and they are run­ning around the coun­try yelling about abor­tion.

The lie. When the Ukraine con­flict start­ed they have done noth­ing to Rus­sia. Rus­sia still stands strong. Your fuel is going to Europe and Chi­na is packed. There is plen­ty of fuel in this world. There is zero rea­son for you to be pay­ing $5 a gal­lon. Chi­nas oil imports soar as Bei­jing pre­pares to sup­ply europe fuel demand. You see, Europe did­nt say they would­nt buy from Chi­na, just Rus­sia. Is this a joke? This is how they treat us? Its all a lie. We have repub­li­cans and democ­rats alike cheer­ing the print­ing of more mon­ey. We have the fed­er­al reserve get­ting ready to put anoth­er point on the inter­est rate. We have an eco­nom­ic sys­tem to get it under con­trol is to put peo­ple out of work. If you lose your job we will be ok. Anoth­er a per­cent in the inter­est rate as they do noth­ing but lie to you on a dai­ly basis to try to cool things down and what they would like to see is job loss.

The oil imports in Asia rose by more than 2 mil­lion bar­rels dai­ly last month. AS US increas­es fuel ship­ments to Europe. Go look at the strate­gic oil reserves that they are lying to you say­ing they are releas­ing to bring the pierces down for you. Go look at the reserves that we put in there at 40–50 a bar­rel and how much we are sell­ing to Europe and hope­ful­ly we dont deplete it so much that it caus­es a cri­sis. Why are we sell­ing it? Because of Putin? Rus­sia has­nt slowed down. Prices of oil have gone up. Rus­sia is still pump­ing an equiv­a­lent amount of oil of what they were pump­ing before Ukraine and every­one in Europe was free to buy as much oil from Rus­sia as they want­ed. At that time the prices were low. Then came sanc­tions. They were going to default on their debt. And Ger­many made a com­mit­ment to stop pur­chas­es from Rus­sia. So Rus­sia is pump­ing the oil and ship­ping to ASia at high­er prices and Chi­na is ship­ping to Europe. Rus­sia is mak­ing more mon­ey. And we have some­one like Joe Biden that caused Putin’s price hike. Biden to announce new oil reserves sales to ease gas prices. 180 mil­lion bar­rels since march have been sold. We have to get them out of there. We have to stop this. The lies. Rus­sia is sell­ing oil to Chi­na, Chi­na sell­ing to Europe. The plan was that Rus­sia was sup­posed to col­lapse by now. Iran sends drone train­ers to Crimea to aid the Russ­ian mil­i­tary.

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