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All Star Political Panel on the Events of the Week October 21, 2022

Base­ball talk

Thoughts on Truss and her 45 days as Prime Min­is­ter of UK. What Liz Truss want­ed to do was rolled out wrong accord­ing to Bruce. And now every­thing is in tur­moil and the con­ser­v­a­tives are done. Truss made a big deal on devel­op­ing oil and gas explo­ration and that is what sent them into a fren­zy. There wont be any­one in the office to stay with fos­sil fuel explo­ration. Since Brex­it there has­nt been a prime min­is­ter or an attempt to allow the econ­o­my to flour­ish. The roll­out was to spur the pri­vate sec­tor growth. World­wide the only way we have got­ten economies to work is with gov­ern­ment infu­sion. Her replace­ment will be a glob­al­ist.

When repub­li­cans win will they gov­ern the way we want them too. Will Kevin McCarthy be Speak­er of the House? He is anoint­ed one right now. There is the speak­er of the house and then there are the peo­ple that the speak­er appoints to chair com­mit­tees. It would be more ben­e­fi­cial for Jim Jor­dan to chair a com­mit­tee. Grasley is deter­mined but he may not be up for the chair but he wants to fol­low through to see the FBI inves­ti­gat­ed. The recent Durham case was to expose the cor­rup­tion of the FBI. It is rumored that Durham will write a nar­ra­tive and will the nar­ra­tive have enough to turn over to a com­mit­tee. It will take a lit­tle bit before any reac­tion from inves­ti­ga­tions because the AG and DOJ is just as cor­rupt as the FBI.

On Novem­ber 9 there will be races. We don’t know the results. The democ­rats will have attor­neys on stand by and you will find out real­ly quick­ly how many demo­c­rat elec­tion deniers real­ly exist. They will run the courts. They will do every­thing they pos­si­bly can where they will stretch it out.

Her­schel Walk­er did an amaz­ing job in the debate.

Democ­rats hung their hat on abor­tion, trump, jan 6, and sav­ing the democ­ra­cy.

Rur­al GA cant wait to go vote for Her­schel.

In AZ, they know there is an inva­sion on the south­ern bor­der. They under­stand crime, fen­tanyl com­ing across the bor­der. Blake and Lake will win in AZ.

In NM, there may be a repub­li­can gov­er­nor.

In NY, Hochul may be in trou­ble.

Kemp may win out right because of Stacey Abrams com­ment this week on abor­tion and infla­tion. The vot­ing num­bers and the midterm records going on has caused the All Star Game to come back into the news. Oba­ma is com­ing to cam­paign with Abrams. BKP pre­dic­tions.

Schools need to be schools. There are a lot of issues out there and abor­tion has nev­er passed sin­gle dig­its in polling.

The Con­sumer Finan­cial Pro­tec­tion Bureau is dead in the water.

CDC has put the COVID vac­cine on the sug­gest­ed vac­cine list. Young moth­ers dont know, and the CDC said that they are adding the vac­cine to the rec­om­mend­ed list. A lot of the low income fam­i­lies take their kids to the health depart­ment to get the shots and unbe­knownst to the moth­er the child gets the shot.

Rus­sia put 165K troops on the bor­der of Ukraine. Putin says the troops will get pulled back if you give the Don­bas region back to moth­er Rus­sia. The US puts down all these sanc­tions. And Rus­sia cant pay the debt. Then Biden begs Sau­di and Saud­is to cut pro­duc­tion by 2 mil­lion bar­rels and buys from Rus­sia. Chi­na buys from Rus­sia and sells to Europe. In the USA we are deplet­ing the Strate­gic Petro­le­um reserves and sell­ing to Europe. Biden is going to sell at 90 and buy back at 70.

Dis­cus­sion of a dual war front with Asia and Rus­sia.

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