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People Have Had It In America


Liz Truss resigned at 45 days the short­est lived UK PM ever. This is part of the great reset. Liz did not go in a PM 100% ready to embrace the Great REset. Now you won­der why it is so dan­ger­ous out there for tak­ing back. Watch what hap­pens in Europe for a clue what will hap­pen when we take back our coun­try and move away from the Great REset. 

Biden is going to PA today to cam­paign for Fet­ter­man. This is not a pub­lic event. It will be a closed door event. This is des­per­a­tion. If Fet­ter­man gets on the stage with Biden this is an admis­sion we are done and beg­ging you to come out. Sanders also cam­paigns with Fet­ter­man days before the election. 

There is a group that is call­ing to block Biden’s stu­dent loan relief call­ing it uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. The Brown Coun­ty Tax­pay­ers Asso­ci­a­tion and Wis­con­sin Insti­tute for Law and Lib­er­ty asked the nine jus­tices to put a tem­po­rary hold on the relief plan for it starts on Sun­day. You can’t erase the debt respon­si­bil­i­ty, you can only shift it. For the most part, there are so many issues that are mov­ing vot­ers to repub­li­cans. There are so many that democ­rats can’t com­pre­hend. 70% of Amer­i­cans want to fix crazy. 

The G20 is com­ing up. They are doing every­thing they can to pre­vent Biden from run­ning into Putin. 

These are issues that aren’t com­ing out in the media. We will work here to help elect repub­li­cans and bring out the truth. Hope­ful­ly it will bring vot­ers out to elect repub­li­cans. Imme­di­ate­ly after the elec­tion, VORA will be on your ass to get it done. 

WHO says Covid 19 is still a glob­al health emer­gency. They made it an emer­gency. They made it lets col­lapse the world econ­o­my. Trump was pushed into it. You have a prob­lem today because democ­rats closed the econ­o­my because of the rec­om­men­da­tions of the CDC and Fau­ci. A vari­ant could fuel a win­ter surge and may not be respon­sive to the shot. Covid vac­cines for chil­dren. Here is what hap­pened yes­ter­day. CDC votes to add covid vac­cine to vac­cines for kids pro­gram. We have a list. If you have a child and you are low income. They have now made the covid vaccine/shot require­ment for the low income chil­dren. Kari Lake said that she will not allow the chil­dren of AZ to be guinea pigs for the covid shot. We have to push our gov­er­nors, state rep­re­sen­ta­tives and senators. 

Where is ABC News Reporter James Gor­don Meek? He was work­ing on a book on Biden’s dis­as­trous pull out of Afghanistan. He van­ish­es after being raid­ed by the FBI. He had clas­si­fied mate­r­i­al on his com­put­er. He hasn’t been seen since April. 

Democ­rats fret over Black and Lati­no Vote. you have tak­en them for grant­ed too many times. 

LAX pas­sen­ger is caught try­ing to smug­gle 12K fen­tanyl pills through the air­port in Whop­pers, Sweet­TARTS and Skit­tles wrap­pers. DEA warns par­ents to be on the look­out this Hal­loween sea­son. It’s com­ing across the bor­der. There is an inva­sion and this drug prob­lem is enor­mous. Even in San Fran they are con­cerned about the drugs. SF are arm­ing them­selves with base­ball bats and stun guns dur­ing their walks to work while pass­ing noto­ri­ous drug sobri­ety cen­ters amid fears addicts will attack them. 

Peo­ple have had it in Amer­i­ca. The media has tried to direct the nar­ra­tive. We are sup­posed to think that kids want to muti­late them­selves and cas­trate them­selves. And those kids want to be a wolf. This is what the media wants you to believe. Our schools are there for the kids to learn, and they do learn social skills. Schools are not coun­cil­ing cen­ters or doc­tor offices. Mom and Dad need to make the deci­sion for the kids. In Grade schools, mid­dle schools and high school, nar­can is stocked inside the schools in the offices and vend­ing machines to com­bat an over­dose. Dr Oz on Han­ni­ty says that demo­c­rat poli­cies are “Farm­ing Home­lessnes”. We know what they have done to the inner cities. It is the repub­li­cans that Amer­i­c­as see as the com­pas­sion­ate peo­ple that want to help, not the com­mu­nist Democrats. 

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