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Red October is like an Eclipse


This is like an eclipse, Red October. 

Oregon’s Gov race may get a repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion first in 40 years.
The inva­sion of the south­ern bor­der. Gov Ducey is refus­ing to remove 60 ship­ping con­tain­ers that are stacked along the south­ern bor­der. Biden wants him to take them down. Ducey refuses. 

Gas prices. The democ­rats say that the gas prices are up but they aren’t the fault of the par­ty. CNN and MSNBC have the same graph­ic. The net­works are doing every­thing to take the pres­sure off the demo­c­rat party. 

Biden: “By sell­ing from the oil reserve at the high­er prices of $90 ear­li­er this year and then refill­ing it in the future at a low­er price around $70. What did we orig­i­nal­ly buy for Joe? What kind of loss did we real­ly have? Biden blames gas prices on Putin. And insists he has not slowed US oil pro­duc­tion. Biden has talked down to our oil and gas indus­try and said they are putting them out of busi­ness. Then he can’t go and get help any­where else. Then he starts drain­ing our strate­gic petro­le­um reserves for strate­gic use, not because Biden is pres­i­dent and screws every­thing up. So in order to try and save some face regard­less of what hap­pens, he is drain­ing it dry and say­ing he is going to refill at high­er prices than when Trump want­ed to fill our reserves at $24 to fill up to the max. Because if the day ever came that Amer­i­ca was pushed against the wall, we would have what we needed. 

Biden tells DNC he’ll sign leg­is­la­tion legal­iz­ing abor­tion all the way up to birth. 

MI does have an abor­tion legil­sa­tion on the bal­lot. They are claim­ing that all they are doing is mak­ing abor­tion legal in MI. but also in the bill is the gen­der reaf­firm­ing cen­ters for chil­dren with­out parental consent. 

Matt Walsh is a nation­al hero. He says : We can’t rely on these insti­tu­tions to police them­selves. The nation needs laws ban­ning cas­trat­ing chil­dren. Ral­ly in Nashville TN at 4pm. 

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