Home / News / Democrats Fear a Red October has Arrived

Democrats Fear a Red October has Arrived

BKP talks base­ball

Democ­rats feared Red Octo­ber had arrived. Joe Scar­bor­ough has spun this say­ing that on elec­tion night the repub­li­cans wont do as well as they think they will. First there is infla­tion. It has­nt gone away as the Biden admin­is­tra­tion had hoped. No one was smart enough to see this com­ing. Then there is crime that has rapid­ly moved up the lad­der to issues for vot­ers. Democ­rats have bet heav­i­ly that wide­spread anger over the supreme court’s rever­sal of Roe would dri­ve vot­ers away from the repub­li­can par­ty, not here. Democ­rats want to cre­ate our real­i­ty and manip­u­late the vot­ers to think this is the issue that is more rel­e­vant. It has not dir­ven peo­ple away from teh repub­li­can par­ty because there are peo­ple that are smart enough ot real­ize that Roe v Wade did­nt make abor­tion ille­gal just pushed it back to the states. Democ­rats pushed them­selves into repub­li­cans arms. Amer­i­cans fell into the repub­li­can arms because we have dis­cussed the abor­tion issue. Democ­rats want abor­tion up until the day of deliv­er. Amer­i­c­as arent bar­bar­ic and will not accept the killing of babies up until the date of birth. Log­i­cal think­ing says we have to have a para­me­ter here.

Liz Truss resigned as PM of the UK a month after the fact. The Great Reset, it was the pan­dem­ic that was entered to do. Covid is not the rea­son where you are today.

The NYT saids the democ­rats should have focused on the bills the biden admin­is­tra­tion has signed. And boost­ed about the suc­cess of those bills. The Her­schel Walk­er attack on him con­cer­ing an ex girl­friend and how he paid for an abor­tion and his sons attacks was sup­pose to be a nation­al uproar on abor­tion.

The Red Octo­ber is here. Even NYT is say­ing abor­tion did not hit the mark.

Abrams appears to sug­gest abor­tions are the way to fight inl­fa­tion. GA democ­rats say hav­ing chil­dren is why you’re wor­ried about ris­ing prices and you can’t sep­a­rate unwant­ed preg­nan­cies from eco­nom­ic issues. Stacey Abrams say that unre­strict­ed abor­tion on demand can help solve infla­tion hav­ing chil­dren is why your wor­ried about your price for gas. Its why you’re con­cerned about how much food costs. Remem­ber Stacey Abrams was on the short list to be Joe Bidens Vice Pres­i­dent.

Dr Oz will win PA by large num­bers. Bucks coun­ty PA, out­side Philly, vot­er forum a reporter asked if they will vote based on abor­tion. Only 1 of 10 said yes. They were more con­cerned about crime, gas, gro­ceries, infla­tion, and a host of issues. Crime in Amer­i­ca the democ­rats want­ed to defund police, no cash bail, the peo­ple they have released from prison, the ille­gals com­ing across the bor­der, the drug addic­tions, woke DAs that will not pros­e­cute, more peo­ple are inter­est­ed in peo­ple smok­ing mar­i­jua­na and get­ting them free rather than the cit­i­zens in these com­mu­ni­ties around metro areas.

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