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Welcome to Red October, Dems say Inflation is a Global Problem

Wel­come to Red Octo­ber. Repub­li­cans would have a bet­ter chance if they would stand up, talk about what you believe in, who you are and what you plan to do.
We dis­cussed ear­ly on that you cant print this kind of mon­ey and not have a dis­as­ter. After the leak of Roe, we said relax and it will not be an issue in novem­ber. We know when they are try­ing to set a direc­tion and how they will try to get lock­step and get you to believe. We explained what hap­pened in KS con­sti­tu­tion­al vote and not to believe the reports. The bell­wether NY elec­tion was going to set the record for NOvem­ber.

BTW, John Fet­ter­man the can­di­date for Sen­ate in PA gets a note from his doc­tor. You skip school and pray for the doc­tor to give you a note. John Fet­ter­man is in major trou­ble. Abor­tion is not catch­ing on. Biden went out. The democ­rats are not too proud to beg. The media is try­ing to get you to believe that infla­tion is a glob­al issue and not in the con­trol of the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.

The demo­c­rat par­ty is hop­ing in the next cou­ple of weeks that they can sell you that infla­tion is glob­al and not the par­ty and they are hop­ing that they can sell you that the demo­c­rat par­ty is the par­ty that can get you through it. The nar­ra­tive on tv is show­ing how much they have dropped the price of gas. But you remem­ber when gas was 1.85 even kids remem­ber it was 1.85. Just because they are run­ning com­mer­cials of 4 kids doing a sing along and this gen­er­a­tion is ready to embrace the EV. There arent any EV com­mer­cials embrac­ing the old peo­ple. So many of them are falling for Putin’s war and the pan­dem­ic. Some are say­ing that it is best for the envi­ron­ment and its ok to pay a lit­tle more. Biden is tap­ping into the Strate­gic OIl Reserve hope it will come down a few cents and you will for­give them at the pump. The demo­c­rat mes­sage is I hope when you go to vote you real­ize it is not our fault.

The NYT head­line: Democ­rats Feared Red Octo­ber Has Arrived. We dont want to get a false sense of secu­ri­ty because you could have a sur­prise. Bri­an Kemp is the luck­i­est can­di­date alive. Ever since Kemp had a tiff with Don­ald Trump with Laf­fler and the 2020 elec­tion. This guy fell ass back­wards into a pile of shit com­ing out smelling like a rose. The luck­i­est politi­cian in Amer­i­ca. Twice MSNBC has facil­i­tat­ed tak­ing down a demo­c­rat can­di­date. First with Fet­ter­man and then with Stacey Abrams. Stacey Abrams says Hav­ing chil­dren is why youre wor­ried about your price for gas. This right here is an exam­ple of stu­pid com­ments a can­di­date can make. She is done unless some­thing hap­pens that total­ly blows up the cam­paign. We are look­ing from sea to shin­ing sea, a red wave. There is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that Kathy Hock­le in NY is in trou­ble. There is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that Tudor Dixon can be gov­er­nor. There is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that OR will have a repub­li­can gov first in 40 years. There are races that repub­li­cans dont stand a chance and they are gain­ing ground. The repub­li­cans have too many Kari Lakes. The can­di­dates that are being hon­est with the vot­ers. Telling them who they are and what they will do and being trans­par­ent.

John Fet­ter­man is hav­ing such a prob­lem. The media is cor­rob­o­rat­ing with each oth­er to try to bring Fet­ter­man up. He has a let­ter from his doc­tor say­ing he is ok. The found­ing fathers nev­er intend­ed to allow the press to be in cahoots in com­mit­ting a crime and manip­u­late elec­tions. This is Sav­ing Fet­ter­man, the movie. We have to talk about his health. John Fet­ter­man will not release his med­ical records. The media says he released a med­ical report, Bull S‑H-I-*, it is not his med­ical records, it is a let­ter from the doc­tor. They are des­per­ate in PA, Oper­a­tion Run Cov­er for Fet­ter­man’s Health. The media reports about the let­ter from the doc­tor but leaves out the fact that the doc­tor is a cam­paign donor. We cant be fooled, we will catch you on every­thing. Remem­ber that Fet­ter­man has to have some­one that has to trans­late every­thing into text. He will not be doing the job, it will be the per­son that runs the text. Who says that the per­son doing the text wont be giv­ing him the answers. If you are healthy to do the job then why do you need the teleprompter? Des­per­a­tion Red Octo­ber.

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