Home / News / Debbie Dooley, Veterans for America First Ambassador

Debbie Dooley, Veterans for America First Ambassador

We are going to shock the world. The world is fol­low­ing our elec­tions, there is world­wide media cov­er­ing the GA Sen­ate race. We will take the Sen­ate.

No one is talk­ing about the NH Sen­ate race. Don Bolduc is a Vet­er­ans for Amer­i­ca First can­di­date. The ener­gy is incred­i­ble for Gen­er­al Bolduc at every event there is stand­ing room only. Peo­ple are encour­aged. In the New Eng­land area, the elec­tion isnt about demo­c­rat, repub­li­can, right or left, it is about the econ­o­my. The peo­ple have to choose whether they can eat or stay warm.

We need repub­li­cans to take con­trol. This elec­tion is ours for the tak­ing.

The democ­rats know what is com­ing. They are throw­ing the kitchen sink at it. The democ­rats are like a rabid dog and are cor­nered.

Things are com­ing togeth­er in NH to elect a repub­li­can sen­a­tor. It is the econ­o­my stu­pid. Peo­ple are vot­ing for change.

In the north east the wor­ry is that there wont be enough home heat­ing oil for the win­ter, not to men­tion it is a huge expense. Many are wor­ried they wont be able to heat their home this win­ter.

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