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You Cant Keep Up with The News in Bidens Disaster of America

You cant keep up with the news, the Biden dis­as­ter that he calls Amer­i­ca.

Beetle­juice needs a raise. Lori Light­foot pro­posed a 5% raise.

The ener­gy for Her­schel Walk­er is amaz­ing. The Sen­a­tors are com­ing in for Her­schel. Today will be Ted Cruz and Lind­sey Gra­ham. In Dil­lard GA at the Pig­gly Wig­gly gave Her­schel the park­ing lot. At least 150 at 1pm in the after­noon. They made a com­ment to the media after the ral­ly.

They attack MTG 7 days a week. She has been swat­ted 7 times. She has not been on any com­mit­tees. As soon as she was sworn into office she was imme­di­ate­ly tak­en off com­mit­tees. She has posi­tioned her­self that as soon as repub­li­cans take back the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives the 14th dis­trict of GA is going to go from a fresh­man con­gress­woman to pos­si­bly hav­ing the most pow­er­ful mem­ber of con­gress. Peo­ple love the con­gress­woman because she speaks Truth to Pow­er.

The media con­tin­ues to cov­er up for Fet­ter­man. Democ­rats are in pan­ic mode in PA. They real­ly thought they could get John on the stage and stum­ble through and the com­pas­sion would raise him to the top. Fet­ter­mans cam­paign is try­ing to spin this as how brave he was and that Dr. Oz was a bul­ly. On the night of the PA pri­ma­ry, Fet­ter­man was in the hos­pi­tal that night at the most severe point of the stroke and he was so inco­her­ent that he did­nt know he had won. It was­nt until days after the pri­ma­ry did they tell John that he had won. John Fet­ter­man had a chance to say he need­ed to get out to put in a can­di­date that could do what need­ed to be done for the peo­ple of PA. But the demo­c­rat par­ty isnt for the Peo­ple, they are for cor­rup­tion, pow­er and evil that take prece­dence over­all.

Fox News had some unde­cid­ed vot­ers from PA dis­cuss the debate and if they were per­suad­ed one way or anoth­er.

We know the democ­rats love to make his­to­ry. Fet­ter­mans stroke is mak­ing polit­i­cal his­to­ry. Noth­ing about if you can do the job.

If all else fails, go straight for the bla­tant lie. The gener­ic bal­lot showed the favor lean­ing demo­c­rat hold­ing a 2 point lead.

Caller attacks BKP over flag hang­ing on wall.

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