Home / Featured Segments / BKP News of the Week October 28, 2022

BKP News of the Week October 28, 2022

Talks local foot­ball

Next week will be the ugli­est polit­i­cal week in his­to­ry. The demo­c­rat des­per­a­tion is in full swing. They bring out Glo­ria Allred to accuse Her­schel Walk­er of pay­ing for an abor­tion with an unknown per­son read­ing a script and all the net­works cov­er it like it is news. 30 years ago an edi­tor would have shot it down say­ing it is not a sto­ry. We are in a media cycle that is tabloid.

Who wants to hear about Hunter Biden was co-own­er in a Chi­nese com­pa­ny and helped facil­i­tate a sale of cobalt, the mate­r­i­al need­ed to make elec­tric bat­ter­ies. But we have GM and Granholm and Buttigieg that we all need to dri­ve elec­tric vehi­cles. Where your mon­ey paid for the roads to the mines and gave it to Chi­na in Afghanistan. But thats bor­ing.

Hot mic on Schumer yes­ter­day tried to explain to Biden that they are in trou­ble.

Biden said that the Repub­li­can eco­nom­ic plan will cause the same result as Liz Truss in the UK. We were wait­ing on that state­ment.

Liz Chaney endorsed a demo­c­rat, there is a shock­er.

Hunters $11 mil­lion Chi­nese con­nec­tions along with Jim Biden.

Man should­nt be in wom­en’s lock­er room

Musk fired the twit­ter CEO and the per­son that shut down Hunter sto­ry and the per­son shut down Don­ald Trump.

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