Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL: How are Republicans Doing Across the Nation

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL: How are Republicans Doing Across the Nation

Sen­ate races arent con­fined by the state. The fund­ing comes from every­where. The Sen­ate vote has nation­al impli­ca­tions. We have to pay atten­tion to all sen­ate races even though you may not have an impact on the race. The Fet­ter­man debate has nev­er been seen before. The ini­tial media response was jaw drop­ping. The media is try­ing to fig­ure out how to cov­er it. After the 24hour cycle, the media was say­ing Fet­ter­man was brave and bril­liant but the man is sick. If your wife cares they get you aside and say let’s go home. And you would think the doc­tor would have kept him in rehab. It is not under­stand­able how the vote would be close, espe­cial­ly after that debate. Ear­ly vot­ing is well on its way in PA. The vot­ers are dif­fer­ent in PA, there isnt a strong par­ty alliance. Trump is going to PA. Oba­ma and Biden are going next week to beg the demo­c­rat vot­er to go vote demo­c­rat.
30 years ago, if you walked into your edi­tor and you had the sto­ry on the can­di­date that you were unable to ver­i­fy, the edi­tor would tell the reporter no. We are get­ting exposed to stuff now that we would not be exposed to. Now if you have an emer­gency, Glo­ria Allred is ready to break a sto­ry.

Break­ing News: Paul Pelosi was vio­lent­ly assault­ed in a home inva­sion. They live in a ritzy area of San Fran and you would think that it would be well armed.

Its elec­tion week.

GA, Her­schel Walk­er going through anoth­er round of assaults that he paid for an abor­tion. Its called des­per­a­tion. Just after the sto­ry dropped, Lind­sey Gra­ham and Her­schel Walk­er had a press state­ment after a ral­ly to address the alle­ga­tions. The inter­na­tion­al inter­est in this elec­tion in GA is note­wor­thy, 5 or 6 inter­na­tion­al news sources trav­el­ing and fol­low­ing the Her­schel Walk­er cam­paign. Lind­sey Gra­ham to his cred­it knows how to han­dle the media. He just unleashed on the media say­ing we know how this sto­ry ends. Every net­work has run the sto­ry.

AZ and NV, if all else fails, break into a cam­paign office. It was a pet­ty thief. Katie Hobbs had a break in and the nation­al media spun the sto­ry to blame it on Kari Lake. A His­pan­ic 30 year old was already in jail for recent thefts in the area. The gov­er­nor’s race in AZ will be so over­whelm­ing and Blake Mas­ters will be the Sen­a­tor. We have 280 elec­tion deniers run­ning for office.

All the states are dif­fer­ent. Some states dont have a lt gov. Some states dont have down bal­lot races but the gov­er­nor appoints. In AZ, they are try­ing to run the nar­ra­tive that Kari Lake will be Don­ald Trump’s run­ning mate and in AZ the SOS becomes gov­er­nor, which would be Mark Fin­cham.

MI they say the gov­er­nor race has tight­ened, Tudor Dixon might put Gretchen Whit­mer out of job.

We have a week and a week is eter­ni­ty in pol­i­tics. There will be shocks on Wednes­day morn­ing in Con­gres­sion­al races. Wrong track poll has not changed, it has stayed con­sis­tent for months. Major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans are not ok with alter­ing the chil­dren’s nat­ur­al devel­op­ment.

This might be the last chance for rur­al Amer­i­ca to win an elec­tion. It is chang­ing so fast. It will be rur­al Amer­i­ca that can win this elec­tion.

The Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States has a pul­pit and he is out telling you to go with store brands if you cant afford the brand name. He should look at the cam­era and tell every par­ent out there to look for can­dy col­ored fen­tanyl.

Win­ners and Losers

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