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Buckle Up this is Hell Week.

We said for sev­er­al weeks to Buck­le Up. This week is Hell Week. Buck­le up this is going to be a long week. We are going to get to the bot­tom line on the Paul Pelosi breakin. About 15 years from now, there will be a date­line NBC, there will be a show called snapped or foren­sic files. You do not know the truth, you will not have the facts and you will not know the truth, at least this week.

How far-right demo­niza­tion of Pelosi led to attack. This pulls it all togeth­er that led to the attack. The demo­c­rat enthu­si­asm is out, its gone. There isnt any ener­gy. Oba­ma comes to a town near you. They can get a cou­ple thou­sand out for a minute to go see oba­ma. There isnt any ener­gy in the base that they have to cre­ate a fake sto­ry to get the ener­gy up.

Dont know what the next act will be to get your atten­tion again. No one is falling for this. 25% fell for the Pelosi sto­ry, maybe. Pelosi’s what are they worth? 250 mil­lion? They have been steal­ing our mon­ey for years. And Paul has been get­ting stock tips for years. They have gates, staff, and alarm sys­tems around the house. Were police respond­ing to the bro­ken glass and the alarm sys­tem going off or the 911 call. At 230 in the morn­ing most peo­ple are in bed sound asleep includ­ing the staff. Maybe the staff was sound asleep or ignor­ing the sound com­ing from Paul’s bed­room. Noth­ing about this sto­ry adds up. We will get into the spin of what they are turn­ing this into.

Some­thing that did­nt make the rounds. Was the Her­schel Walk­er sec­ond accus­ing of abor­tion did­nt make the news. Glo­ria Allred got the top news for about 12 hours. But it com­plete­ly fell off the news cycle yes­ter­day. They have cried wolf so many times that not many peo­ple trust these sto­ries any longer. Its awful­ly con­ve­nient that the Pelosi sto­ry hap­pened over the week­end. Did Nan­cy try to hurt her hus­band?

We dont believe the sto­ry. We will show you why this sto­ry is so big for the media this morn­ing. In WA state, Democ­rats scram­ble to avert a shock Sen­ate loss in WA state. Lee Zeldin in NY, Tud­er Dixon in MI, Don Bolduc in NH, Her­schel Walk­er in GA, Dr. Oz in PA. Democ­rats may lose the gov­er­nor seat in OR. Now the democ­rats are poised to lose the Sen­ate seat in deep blue WA state. This is one of many rea­sons that Bang Bang Maxwells Sil­ver Ham­mer came down upon Paul’s Head. What will they think of next?

Trump avoids GA cam­paigns and oth­er bat­tle­ground states. Why? Bri­an Kemp has not asked for GA Trump sup­port­ers’ votes. If you think you know how Trump sup­port­ers will react with Kemp not ask­ing for their vote. Will Trump sup­port­ers push Kemp over the fin­ish line?

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