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Brian Kemp has not asked for the GA Trump supporters vote

GA gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp has not asked for the GA Trump sup­port­ers vote. Trump’s name was not men­tioned in the debate. Yes­ter­day on ABC there was a quick seg­ment about this. Trump is mak­ing sev­er­al stops this week one not being GA. Kemp is going to bring in this week Pence, Ducey, and Chris Christie. Why isTrump avoid­ing GA? Last night was the final debate between Bri­an Kemp and Stacey Abrams. Has Bri­an Kemp pulled off the impos­si­ble? Moved to Trump free ter­ri­to­ry in the age of Trump with­out ever alien­at­ing Trump vot­ers. GA Gov Kemp has nev­er men­tioned Don­ald Trump or Ron DeSan­tis. Mike Pence has come to GA dur­ing the pri­ma­ry and now to cam­paign for Bri­an Kemp, so is Ducey of AZ, and Chris Christie. Bri­an Kemp is def­i­nite­ly in the repub­li­can par­ty 2.0 camp, in the Pence/Christie camp. He is not where close to the Trump sup­port­er camp. If he gets reelect­ed he will total­ly turn on Trump sup­port­ers. If Trump runs, they hope to take Bri­an Kemp to bat­tle and win GA for some­one like Mike Pence. And the same with Ron DeSan­tis. There will be no video clips to run in the archives of Kemp say­ing any­thing about Ron DeSan­tis and Don­ald Trump. Why has Don­ald Trump avoid­ed GA? Trump knows the truth, we know the truth that Trump is not respon­si­ble for the Warnock and Osoff sen­ate seats. Pur­due and Loef­fler are respon­si­ble for their cam­paigns. We do not blame Don­ald Trump for the seats in the runoff and have tak­en the heat for los­ing those seats. If he is run­ning for pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States he will not be in GA if Stacey Abrams would win. If he says any­thing about Kemp and Trump sup­port­ers stay home. It is pos­si­ble that the Burt Jones and Her­schel Walk­er cam­paigns have asked Trump not to come to GA.

Kemp cam­paign strat­e­gy for the Trump Vot­ers is to remind them that Stacey Abrams is the alter­na­tive. No way under the sun can we have Stacey Abrams as the gov­er­nor of GA.

Repub­li­cans you thought you could trust, have not always been on his band­wag­on even when they try to wear the T say­ing they were for Don­ald Trump.

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