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What will they do next?

What will they try this week?

Joe Biden is with Fet­ter­man in PA. They know that Fet­ter­man can­not win and do the job. We have an inside scoop that Fet­ter­man will resign and the wife will get the job. Joe Biden pulls in Fet­ter­mans wife for an embrace and sniff. The hot mic in NY Chuck Schumer telling Biden that the PA debate did­nt hurt too much. Even Schumer is hav­ing a tough debate in NY.

Oba­ma was in MI, try­ing to ener­gize the black vote. Who is pay­ing atten­tion to the last week of the elec­tion? Oba­ma came to GA, try­ing to ener­gize GA. They cant get any­one to come into town.

Oba­ma goes to WI because Evers is going to lose to Michels. Man­dela is going to lose to John­son for sen­ate. Both Trump endorsed can­di­dates. Fiery Oba­ma blasts GOP sen­a­tor in Mil­wau­kee speech. They want you to believe that repub­li­cans want to get rid of social secu­ri­ty.

If Pelosi get­ting hit in the head with a ham­mer does­nt work, they have noth­ing left.

The Fed expect­ed anoth­er major rate hike. 4 in a row. Our econ­o­my that they are dis­cussing is based on the Fed­er­al Reserve alter­ing our life. The fed­er­al reserve dan­gle the strings to alter our life. To get the peo­ple where they want hun­gry, job­less, home­less so it will show up on sta­tis­tics to get the num­bers where they want it to be.

The democ­rats say that things are so good. The Yougov poll says 69% of peo­ple say that the con­di­tion of the nation­al econ­o­my is bad. One more rea­son why Nan­cy Pelo­sis hus­band get­ting hit in the head.

They are watch­ing the con­gres­sion­al seat in FL. Dems reject gop claims of social­ism in south FL house race. The His­pan­ics are mov­ing to the GOP. Social­ism sounds beau­ti­ful but once it is insti­tut­ed it is mis­er­able.

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