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The week of Closing Arguments

BKP talks about base­ball.

What will be the clos­ing act for the media this week. All the net­works have shown all the clos­ing argu­ments the last week of the cam­paign before the elec­tion. Repub­li­cans have Sen­a­tors from all over com­ing in cam­paign­ing for the repub­li­can can­di­dates but democ­rats can’t get any­one to cam­paign with them. Bide on the cam­paign trail say­ing that he has gone to all 54 states. We cant fore­see any­thing hap­pen­ing this week. But pre­pare your­self for some­thing com­ing out this week. Have they saved the best for last? Oba­ma is the demo­c­rat par­ty clos­ing argu­ment, peri­od. They cant find any­one to cam­paign for the demo­c­rat par­ty. Klobuchar relat­ing the ham­mer to Pelo­sis head to Don­ald Trump Jan 6.

The Pelosi Attack: We can not trust the media. This is a man­sion, not where you sneak up on the place. They have ser­vants, or house­keep­ers. Alarms. We dont know if the police were respond­ing to the bro­ken glass or the 911 call. Its a crime scene around the Pelo­sis. It’s a Vio­lent Assault, even Fox news ran the nar­ra­tive. All the Sun­day shows led off with Paul Pelosi attacked in his own home. The tem­per­a­ture has got­ten so hot on the right. The media spin on the attack. Accused attack­er David DePape spread con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, Zip Ties found at scene. Jan 6 zip ties were found at the cap­i­tal and they resem­ble the zip ties in the Pelosi home. Sources say that the sus­pect was search­ing for her. They actu­al­ly played clips from Jan 6 and the pro­test­ers yelling Nan­cy in the halls of the cap­i­tal say­ing it was Haunt­ing­ly sim­i­lar. They actu­al­ly found a guy that fits the nar­ra­tive exact­ly. Against vac­cines, elec­tion denier, and the list goes on.

Repub­li­cans are say­ing to just get through this week. Not one repub­li­can has the nerve to call it out on the net­works. Paul got hit in the head with the ham­mer, we hate it for him but it has noth­ing to do with the elec­tion. All repub­li­cans had to say was dont take the bait, dont become a sound bite.

Media: The all but inevitable con­clu­sion

Shocked and amazed that they have tak­en the attack on Pelosi as far as they have. Say­ing the attack could lead to an armed insur­rec­tion.

The media got every­one on yes­ter­day. The same day as the attack, they knew in advance to put this out. Home­land Secu­ri­ty Intel Bul­letin. DVE moti­vat­ed by elec­tion-relat­ed griev­ances would like­ly view elec­tion relat­ed infra­struc­ture, per­son­nel, and vot­ers involved in the elec­tion process as attrac­tive tar­gets includ­ing at pub­licly acces­si­ble loca­tions like polling places, bal­lot drop box loca­tion, vot­er reg­is­tra­tion sites, cam­paign events, and polit­i­cal par­ty offices.

Octo­ber Sur­prise: Biden and Democ­rats spin Pelosi attack to smear Trump MAGA back­ers.

Dems risk los­ing NH as Don Bolduc surges in polls could be a sig­nif­i­cant upset.

OR vot­ers say theyve lost patience with democ­rats.

Chris Sununu, they have tried to get him to attack Don Bolduc in NH.

Biden is going to NM. NM is a blue state and they are risk­ing the gov­er­nor to flip red.

Hit Paul in the head in case of emer­gency. Dems los­ing across the coun­try.

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