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The Biden Administration Will Lie About Anything and Everything

This admin­is­tra­tion will lie about any­thing. The media is sup­posed to keep the gov­ern­ment in check. We are sup­posed to read leg­is­la­tion and ques­tion the spend­ing. But now this is what hap­pens when the media goes deep and cor­rup­tion starts to hap­pen.

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has the kids believe that the stu­dent loan for­give­ness is still in the works. There is a freeze on stu­dent loan pay­ments that have been extend­ed. Maybe the gov­ern­ment should go after the cul­prit. They lied to buy votes. They went to Sau­di to beg them not to announce they were cut­ting pro­duc­tions to 2 bil­lion a day until after the elec­tion. Joe did­nt go over there to beg for more or drill for more but to get a for­eign coun­try to help influ­ence elec­tions. It will be a shock­er if the Supreme Court allows with a stroke of a pin for Biden to elim­i­nate stu­dent debt. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has known all along that this will not hap­pen, it was only to buy votes. They stood up there know­ing noth­ing was going to hap­pen. If you lie and buy votes know­ing it was not going to hap­pen. Now freez­ing the pay­ments, he con­tin­ues to have col­lege kids say­ing Joe is try­ing. Its not Joes fault. Its the court. They manip­u­lat­ed the elec­tion with Ukraine, Sau­di Ara­bia, stu­dent loan debt, the strate­gic petro­le­um reserves, the list goes on.

We were hav­ing sup­ply chain issues. We dont have enough trucks, Pete Buttigieg says. The rail strike was solved in Sep­tem­ber, right before an elec­tion. You know the rail strike that could have hap­pened that would have been dev­as­tat­ing to democ­rats. The great Joe pre­vent­ed the Great Rail Strike that Nev­er Was. They dont have a deal. The admin­is­tra­tion lied to you. Sep­tem­ber 15th was when the ten­ta­tive rail­way labor agree­ment was struck accord­ing to the White House. Or was it an agree­ment to hold off until after the elec­tion. The White House nev­er stops lying.

When the courts say that Biden cant elim­i­nate the stu­dent debt the attack will be on the right lean­ing court that Don­ald Trump put in place. And the media will say that Joe did all he could.

Will this man, Fau­ci, get away with mur­der?

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