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BKP Announcement for GA State House District 7

Wel­come back from Thanks­giv­ing. Wel­come new view­ers on Get­tr.

The Supreme Court denied a repub­li­can bid to halt ear­ly vot­ing in the sen­ate runoff Sat­ur­day. But Warnock took it to court and they pre­vailed in the supreme court. 22 coun­tries out of 159 vot­ed this past Sat­ur­day. Today is the first day for ear­ly vot­ing for the run off.

BKP is run­ning for the open GA State House Dis­trict 7. This is not a self-serv­ing posi­tion. This is a posi­tion to serve. It is rep­re­sen­ta­tive. It is not a dic­ta­tor, author­i­tar­i­an. It is not a com­mis­sion­er. When elect­ed you rep­re­sent the peo­ple in the dis­trict. We must get back to a rep­re­sen­ta­tive gov­ern­ment in this coun­try. BKP is look­ing for­ward to dis­cussing the issues. If you put your name on this bal­lot and run for a self serv­ing posi­tion, or for a select few peo­ple, or as a demo­c­rat cam­paign­ing as a repub­li­can. When BKP is elect­ed he will rep­re­sent all the cit­i­zens in the entire dis­trict. BKP is not going to Atlanta to fight with any­one, he will fight for.

Crime, the car­tels are here. There are videos from law enforce­ment describ­ing the dif­fer­ence in the crime over the past 2 years. Any­way BKP can help the crime in Atlanta, will stay in Atlanta.

There are a lot of videos on how BKP feels about our kids. Are boys allowed to swim in the girls sports in GA? Thank God that Bri­an Kemp has appoint­ed the right peo­ple on the board of GHSA to say no to the trans­gen­der agen­da. WE dont have a law on the books to stop it. The rules that Joe Biden is try­ing to change in Title IX and how if the school does­nt have equi­ty the school will lose fund­ing for lunch­es.

Nev­er again, the kids should nev­er be in a mask again. Mom and Dad should have the rights over their chil­dren. Nev­er again, send­ing our par­ents to nurs­ing homes or to the hos­pi­tal and nev­er seen again.

Gov­er­nor Kemp signed an exec­u­tive order for the Spe­cial Elec­tion for GA State House Dis­trict 7 on Jan­u­ary 3, 2023. It will be a jun­gle elec­tion with all can­di­dates and all par­ties run­ning on the same tick­et, there will not be a par­ty pri­ma­ry.. WE will not let a repub­li­can pos­er to be elect­ed to the dis­trict.

You can not believe any­thing that comes out of the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion. Can you believe Chevron will be able to drill for oil in Venezuela and the pay­off.

The dis­trict has hit the reset but­ton. Every­where you go you can see the fruits of House Speak­er Ral­ston in the dis­trict. We need to make sure we dont start over. We have to keep the dis­trict at the top of the list of the 159 coun­ties.

The mag­ni­tude of David Ral­stons funer­al in Fan­nin Coun­ty was huge. Gov Kemp and 3 for­mer gov­er­nors were in atten­dance. There were an enor­mous num­ber of rep­re­sen­ta­tives there. Many supreme court jus­tices were there. David Ral­ston was my friend.

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