Home / News / Tripledemic, Fauci, and Keeping Your Immunity Up To DateLIES, LIES, LIES

Tripledemic, Fauci, and Keeping Your Immunity Up To DateLIES, LIES, LIES

BKP made the AJC this morn­ing announc­ing his can­di­da­cy for GA State House Dis­trict 7.

Poten­tial US Rail strike. You cant trust any­thing that comes out of the Biden White House. They manip­u­lat­ed the elec­tion. BTW, The elec­tion in AZ is not over. They came out to the rose gar­den to tell us that Joe stayed up all night nego­ti­at­ing a deal. But what they did was to kick this out past the elec­tion.
Fau­ci is step­ping down. What the report should be is Found Guilty and the Sen­tenc­ing Date XXX. Dr. Antho­ny Fau­ci is guilty of (the list is so long). Right before Decem­ber 16, this is not a coin­ci­dence. They are so cor­rupt and they try to manip­u­late in so many ways. NOw we have a triple­dem­ic of COVID Flu and RSV fill­ing US hos­pi­tals. Remem­ber the run­ning death clock and they showed you every pic­ture of every­one they could with a ven­ti­la­tor. Now Decem­ber 16th is when con­gress have to agree on fund­ing, they have to raise the debt ceil­ing. And some repub­li­cans along with the democ­rats want to abol­ish the debt ceil­ing. The good peo­ple out there, there is no rea­son to raise the debt lim­it. The Amer­i­can peo­ple is the col­lat­er­al for the debt. Not only do they want to raise the debt ceil­ing, they want to erase it. But isnt it already gone, the US is in debt 31 tril­lion. The gov­ern­ment has to get off the back of the Amer­i­can peo­ple. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are at a break­ing point and are tired of how good they are doing. You will hear that there were black Fri­day records bro­ken.

Mourn­ing in Amer­i­ca. They want to take your guns. We will talk about men­tal health and red flag laws. The democ­rats are want­i­ng to take the guns and the repub­li­cans are say­ing men­tal health. But do you remem­ber a day when they were mur­der­ers. It is not mur­der in the first degree, its men­tal health and gun vio­lence.

104K peo­ple missed work in Octo­ber due to child care prob­lems, isnt there 320 mil­lion peo­ple in Amer­i­ca 104K??

Trump had din­ner with some unde­sir­ables. All that is designed to put a smoke screen on what they are doing. Decem­ber 16.

Our state of GA needs a full inves­ti­ga­tion on what they did to us. There were things that should have nev­er been allowed to hap­pen to us and we need to be bet­ter pre­pared to fight back against the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.

We have nev­er had to do any­thing to keep our immu­ni­ty up to date. Only 11% of Amer­i­cans have tak­en the boost­er because they have learned what tru­ly hap­pened and are start­ing to see the truth. There are teams of doc­tors that are study­ing the pages of Pfiz­er that they had to sub­mit for the vac­cine. There is a record­ing that a local doc­tor is treat­ing more peo­ple for the effects of the shots and not covid. In my dis­trict HD7, there are doc­tors treat­ing the side effects of the shot and not covid.

They lie about every­thing. They want to use the local and reli­gious lead­ers in the com­mu­ni­ty to build the trust to get vac­ci­nat­ed. Why the fear cam­paign from the media, led by Fau­ci? What did they do to our immune sys­tem? They are hid­ing the truth from you. Peo­ple want to steal more of your mon­ey. They will show pic­tures of kids on ven­ti­la­tors and sta­tis­tics. They want 9 bil­lion more dol­lars for COVID. The rea­son the triple­dem­ic is to scare you into fund­ing for covid and the flu and rais­ing the debt ceil­ing on Decem­ber 16.

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