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Remember the Railroad Strike that Could Cost 2 Billion.


The AG Chris Carr put a stay on the heart­beat bill in GA. It is still in effect until it gets to the supreme court on what the supe­ri­or court judge did in Ful­ton coun­ty. The heart­beat bill passed by only 1 vote. But you know that BKP will vote to pass the heart­beat bill if it comes to it. 

BKP is not inter­est­ed in talk­ers, only doers. IF you want to ever see again or main­tain and pre­serve tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­ca that we grew up with you have to run for office. 

They lie about everything. 

Remem­ber the rail­road. Poten­tial rail­road strike could cost 2 bil­lion a day. We heard before the elec­tion that Joe was work­ing on the rail­road. Biden took cred­it for it in the rose gar­den and avert­ed the cri­sis. All lies. He has got noth­ing done but blow­ing the debt clear out of the water. Joe gave the min­er­al mines to the Chi­nese in Afghanistan. Joe’s son sold the cobalt rights to the chi­nese. Joe has done noth­ing cor­rect. Muf­fin says he’s engaged but Joe him­self said that he isn’t. They made a deal until Decem­ber 9th, to get it past what? What is hap­pen­ing right now? Ear­ly vot­ing starts in GA today. Elec­tion day is Decem­ber 6. The ten­ta­tive deal on the rail­road strike runs out on Decem­ber 9th. These cor­rupt SOBs got in the back­room deal to get to Decem­ber 9th to get through all the elec­tions. There is no such thing as coin­ci­dences in politics. 

Venezuela frees 7 jailed Amer­i­cans in swap for 2 maduro rel­a­tives (the Venezuela president’s wife’s nephews) Dur­ing Don­ald Trump’s admin­is­tra­tion we had the two locked up and 1.80 per gal­lon gas. We did not bow to Venezuela. Arti­cle from Octo­ber 1, it sent a sig­nal to the mar­kets that we were nor­mal­iz­ing the rela­tions with Venezuela to bring the prices down at the pump. Biden is eas­ing sanc­tions on Venezuela and allow­ing Chevron to start drilling in Venezuela. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is search­ing glob­al­ly for oil, what about in our own back­yard. Yet the admin­is­tra­tion says that the deal is for democ­ra­cy and not for oil. Who believes that this has been done for free and fair elec­tions in Venezuela? The prices you are pay­ing at the pump under Trump are not because Trump is search­ing glob­al­ly for oil. 

They are try­ing to cause prob­lems with McCarthy. They are try­ing to stop the con­ser­v­a­tives from run­ning the inves­ti­ga­tions. 17 House GOP seats won in dis­tricts that Biden won. They want to put the fear in them that the repub­li­cans need to be afraid in their dis­tricts. It is all a plan and has been manip­u­lat­ed by the media. There is a grow­ing shad­ow cam­paign to defend Joe Biden from House Republicans. 

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