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The Campaign to Take Your Guns Continues


They want to take your guns. The guy walks into the night club and kills he is a mur­der­er. A man­ag­er walks into Wal­mart and kills hes a mur­der­er. They will say there is a men­tal health cri­sis in the US. Why do we have a men­tal health issue? What made the peo­ple crazy. We aren’t talk­ing about what caused it, the break down of the tra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly, the crime. But we have politi­cians com­ing out say­ing let’s put mon­ey over here to sup­port. We have a prob­lem. The lib­er­als want to take the guns and in the mid­dle are red flag laws. Leave it up to some­one else to take your guns away and do away with the con­sti­tu­tion, our con­sti­tu­tion­al right. There isn’t a vio­lent gun. Peo­ple are vio­lent and they choose a weapon of choice. They want to allow a group of peo­ple to decide on your con­sti­tu­tion­al right. 

Biden on all the net­works … “I am going to try to get rid of assault weapons” 

No one dis­cuss­es the root of the problem. 

Woke DA in Man­hat­tan has down­grad­ed over half of felony cas­es to mis­de­meanors as crim­i­nals are free to roam streets of the Big Apple. What is a crime any­more? It doesn’t seem to be a crime to walk across the bor­der, it doesn’t seem to be a big crime to dis­trib­ute drugs or dis­trib­ute ille­gal drugs. Is it a crime to wipe out the selves from stores. Until we stand up and allow law enforce­ment to get the drugs and ille­gal guns off the streets, and put the resources to stop the crime. It will only get worse. We have DA that are spend­ing resources inves­ti­gat­ing Trump rather than invest­ing the mon­ey in our chil­dren and our border. 

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