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The GA Republican Party Has Turned Into The Mega Church

  • WE will need to do some study­ing this week. We talked at the end of the year how the flood­gates would break. And they will start open­ing up and that is start­ing.
  • Have you noticed that since Joe went to Mex­i­co and gave our chips deal to the Mex­i­cans, how much report­ing has been done on the bor­der in the last week. Did joe solve every­thing in El Paso. Are they not com­ing across any­more? Is it not a human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis since Joe went?
  • When they said that Joe was sur­prised it may be true. Do you think Joe was set up? Do you think this is the exit strat­e­gy? The media is talk­ing about how Joe has had 2 very good years and how he was set up to coast into a sec­ond term, except for the Afghanistan with­draw­al.
  • The repub­li­can par­ty in gA is the mega church. We have a GOP bi annu­al con­ven­tion where we pick our chair. They claim to be repub­li­cans and say they have been bap­tized in the repub­li­can water but they have no idea what it is sup­posed to be. The repub­li­can par­ty in GA is an equiv­a­lent to a megachurch. You know the church with the feel good pas­tor. It is a megachurch that does­n’t preach the gospel and it is led by the feel good pas­tor Bri­an Kemp. Bil­lion­aires head­ing to Davos reflect changed world order. Kemp is head­ing over there how he has changed the repub­li­can par­ty of GA into a megachurch, got every­one feel­ing good and com­plete­ly took out Don­ald Trump. Kemp to speak on a pan­el called Amer­i­ca Unbound on the US polit­i­cal land­scape.
  • Kemp is going to Davos notice who else is in the line­up for the UnBound Amer­i­ca seg­ment, Manchin and Sine­ma. What role did Manchin and Sine­ma play in the reshap­ing of the US leg­isla­tive land­scape?
  • Kemp takes aim at GA work­force hous­ing? Kem­p’s bud­get has a huge fund­ing for schools. State work­ers and edu­ca­tors could see anoth­er increase. And he will say that if you are against this then you are against teach­ers. Kemp is look­ing for EV expan­sion in GA.
  • Law­mak­ers in GA are look­ing to rein­tro­duce a bill to make sports bet­ting legal in GA. what and see what hap­pens.
  • How in the world do you go to the inau­gu­ra­tion for Kemp and smile for the cam­era and think the repub­li­cans in GA are a con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty.
  • Younger vot­ers declare inde­pen­dence. 41% of the young vot­ers iden­ti­fy as inde­pen­dent. The repub­li­can par­ty with vote red, keep GA red, has lost its iden­ti­ty. We need to go back to being con­ser­v­a­tive repub­li­cans. There are a lot of young peo­ple that are dialed into con­ser­v­a­tive val­ues than we think. A lot of young peo­ple are dialed into the gov­ern­ment cor­rup­tion. The GA repub­li­can par­ty is the megachurch that isnt preach­ing the gospel about being repub­li­cans and con­ser­v­a­tives and we have feel good pas­tors out there like Bri­an Kemp that lie to the vot­ers.

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