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Submitted by George McClellan The Marxist dominated Democrat Party has nearly destroyed the once viable American culture by its creation of a welfare class system reversing Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”.

Submitted by George McClellan America is facing the stealthily implementation of a Marxist police state. If successful, it will be tyrannical. Its tyrannical nature was revealed when the FBI first went after Donald Trump in 2016, but they’re not big enough. Why, we wonder? If...
Submitted by George McClellan This is the 9/11/01 anniversary of Islam's dastardly attack against America. For a short time Americans were united as one until Progressive Democrats seized the opportunity under the law created by the 9/11 attack, the Patriot Act, and the National Defense...

OPINION: Finding Good Leadership

On September 6, 2022

Submitted by George McClellan Our worst problem in picking who should be our president is assuming that Senators would make good presidents because well, after all, they are experienced politicians.

Submitted by George McClellan Joe Biden, in his shockingly damaging Independence Hall Philadelphia speech, apart from calling 75 million Americans semi-facists and a danger to democracy, essentially called for a one party state. Dictators can’t survive in other than a one party state so Joe...
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