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Is South Carolina in for the Block on Trump?

  • Kemp will not be at the con­ven­tion. Trump will be at the con­ven­tion. It will bring out the fake Trump sup­port­er.
  • FBI again refus­es to share doc­u­ment repub­li­cans say proves Biden was involved in crim­i­nal bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al. 24 hours after McCarthy said they would hand it over.
  • Tim Scott. Pres­i­dent Nice Guy. repub­li­can tried dif­fer­ent cam­paign: declare Amer­i­ca not in decline. Tim Scott address­es pos­si­bil­i­ty of enter­ing White House as a bach­e­lor if elect­ed pres­i­dent. Why is Trump being nice? Trump: Tim is a big step up from Ron Desanc­ti­mo­nious who is total­ly une­lec­table. Byron Don­alds: Tim Scott is an incred­i­ble man and stead­fast in his faith and love of coun­try. As a fel­low Black Repub­li­can, his enter­ing the race for the GOP nom­i­na­tion is a major upset to the nar­ra­tive dri­ven by the media and the Left. Im Team Trump but I wish him well.
  • As we are ana­lyz­ing this, King­mak­er Rupert Mur­doch host­ed Ron DeSan­tis at his CA ranch and told him Fox News will sup­port his bid for pres­i­dent in 2024. Accord­ing to Van­i­ty Fair, the con­ser­v­a­tive news mogul invit­ed the FL Gov to his vine­yard in CA for din­ner in 2020 and assured him that Fox would sup­port his poten­tial pres­i­den­tial run in 2024. Ear­li­er this year, signs of this sen­ti­ment became more appar­ent as Fox imple­ment­ed a soft ban on Trump and began fea­tur­ing DeSan­tis more fre­quent­ly. Addi­tion­al­ly dur­ing this time the Domin­ion law­suit loomed over the news cor­po­ra­tions prompt­ing it to dis­tance itself from the elec­tion con­tro­ver­sy and thus steer clear of Trump. Fox is in the tank for Ron DeSan­tis. Trump has basi­cal­ly been banned from Fox. Mur­doch backs DeSan­tis.
  • Dozens of new immi­grants are join­ing Chica­go Pub­lic Schools as the school year nears end. As many as 50 immi­grant chil­dren joined Zap­a­ta Acad­e­my and a dozen enrolled in local high school. Where are these kids? All over this coun­try.
  • Vir­ginia Gov Glenn Youngkin recon­sid­ered a bid for 2024 GOP pres­i­den­tial nom­i­na­tion after ear­li­er tak­ing him­self out of the race as polls made for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump look increas­ing­ly for­mi­da­ble, top repub­li­can sources say.
  • Is this sup­posed to put out a sig­nal that Trump looks weak? When they start­ed talk­ing about Nik­ki Haley run­ning and Tim Scott announc­ing, every effort made is to stop trump. Every­one who announces there is a rea­son for. Asa Hutchen­son in AK knows he cant win. He knows there isnt a lane for him. He will be a speak­er at the break­fast in the GA state con­ven­tion. They are run­ning for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be #2. Or is it to block Trump. South Car­oli­na is a make or break state in the pri­ma­ry. If you win the NH pri­ma­ry, they say you are off to the races, You are look­ing at peo­ple that have won statewide races. Is South Car­oli­na the block for Trump? Is it a coin­ci­dence that in SC there are 2 statewide can­di­dates that are run­ning against TRump. They arent attack­ing Don­ald Trump, they are run­ning in their lane. They are play­ing it safe. The trump team is smart enough to know that these two win­ning statewide races in SC that he has to find a way not to upset the vot­ers in SC.
  • Why cant we not bor­row mon­ey? If we dont print any more mon­ey, will we have to sell more T‑bills

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