Home / Featured Segments / Send More Military Aid to Ukraine with US Debt Default Lurking in 10 Days

Send More Military Aid to Ukraine with US Debt Default Lurking in 10 Days

  • This is a total com­plete lie by CNN. 10 days until the US debt default. Janet Yellen only says bills. Nev­er says default.
  • Biden at the G7 meet­ing with Zelen­sky. Zelen­sky gave assur­ances F‑16s wont be used in Rus­sia. Biden admin endors­es plan to train Ukraini­ans on fight­er jets. Bat­tle for Bakhmut. Bakhmut has fall­en. Biden says the f‑16s would­nt have helped in Bakhmut. Ukraine says it still holds a small part of besieged Bakhmut. G7 nations have Ukraines back against Rus­sia. Bakhmut echoes Hiroshi­ma, Zelesnkyy says as he thanks G7 for F‑16 fight­ers. US Allies plan to pro­vide F‑16 to Ukraine.
  • US Debt default in 10 days. Trea­surys ear­li­est esti­mate. US and its allies plan to pro­vide Ukraine with F‑16 fight­er jets, offi­cials say. 375 mil­lion in mil­i­tary aid pack­ages. You can’t open with a debt default cri­sis in Amer­i­ca and at the same time send­ing mil­i­tary aid to Ukraine. Bakhmut will be the change of the war and what will hold back the Rus­sians. (Zelen­sky told Con­gress in Decem­ber 2022) Zelen­sky is in hid­ing. Chi­na is work­ing with Rus­sia on a peace deal.
  • Kemp has the nerve to run for pres­i­dent. Kemp and the girls are in Israel. The num­ber one thing peo­ple are inter­est­ed in is vot­er integri­ty.
  • GA plans secu­ri­ty checks of vot­ing equip­ment before 24 elec­tions. Vot­ing equip­ment across GA will under­go secu­ri­ty health checks ahead of the 24 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions, includ­ing efforts to ver­i­fy that soft­ware has­nt been altered accord­ing to a plan announced Fri­day by Sec­re­tary of State Brad Raf­fensperg­er. Vot­ing touch­screens, bal­lot scan­ners, and elec­tion man­age­ment sys­tems will be test­ed to ensure theyre oper­at­ing cor­rect­ly and haven’t been tam­pered with. Remem­ber, Brad Raf­fensperg­er is com­ing back from a Zucker­berg Elec­tion Integri­ty meet­ing. The elec­tion equip­ment is going through health checks to ensure that every­thing is work­ing prop­er­ly and has­nt been tam­pered with. We need to go back to paper bal­lots. Any­thing elec­tron­ic can be altered. We need to ensure that the peo­ple of GA the vot­ers the best way to vote to min­i­mize the threat of fraud we need to go to paper bal­lots. When you have a state­ment that says efforts to ver­i­fy that the sys­tem has not been altered and have not been tam­pered with the rea­son why we should nev­er vote on an elec­tron­ic device.
  • GA pros­e­cu­tor indi­cates charges in Trump elec­tion probe could come in ear­ly August. Clear your sched­ule.
  • Tim scott is get­ting into the race today
  • Top 5 hottest metro areas. #1 Gainesville, GA
  • McCarthy says he now thinks FBI Dir. Christo­pher Wray will hand over doc­u­ments that Rep. James Com­er out­lines a crim­i­nal bribery scheme involv­ing Pres­i­dent Biden and a for­eign nation­al.
  • Two inter­im com­mis­sion­ers appoint­ed in Dou­glas Coun­ty after sus­pen­sions. By exec­u­tive order Thurs­day, Gov Kemp appoint­ed for­mer Dou­glas Co Sher­iff Phil D Miller and for­mer Navy quar­ter­back and Dou­glasville native Ricky Dobbs.

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