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Lawmakers Are MORE Scared of LGBTQ than of Parents

  • There should be a vote to vacate Kevin McCarthy because he did not hold the line.
  • Chi­na rebuffs pen­ta­gon chief, blunt­ing push for rap­proche­ment. The US had pro­posed a meet­ing, Chi­na accused the US of insin­cer­i­ty. Chi­na said no
  • Elon Musk: Is this true Tar­get? Retail­er part­ners with an orga­ni­za­tion that encour­ages secret gen­der changes among chil­dren in schools. The retail giant pro­vides annu­al dona­tions to GLSEN, which calls for gen­der ide­ol­o­gy to be inte­grat­ed into all class­es, even math.
  • Tar­gets VP of brand man­age­ment is trea­sur­er at LGBTQ group that push­es school dis­tricts to allow chil­dren to secret­ly change gen­der: com­pa­ny donat­ed $2.1 mil­lion to the orga­ni­za­tion. Is Tar­get in the tank for groom­ing chil­dren? Car­los Saave­dra is Tar­gets VP for brand man­age­ment and also vol­un­teers as a direc­tor at GLSEN. GLSEN said teach­ers should keep trans and non­bi­na­ry stu­dents gen­der iden­ti­ties con­fi­den­tial includ­ing from par­ents. Tar­get has report­ed­ly donat­ed $2.1 mil­lion to GLSEN, whose poli­cies include ensur­ing school staff should ensure that all per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able and med­ical infor­ma­tion relat­ing to trans­gen­der and non­bi­na­ry stu­dents is kept con­fi­den­tial. GLSENs pol­i­cy said this should include with­hold­ing the infor­ma­tion from par­ents or guardians unless the stu­dent has autho­rized such dis­clo­sure. Crit­ics say the pol­i­cy vio­lates a par­ents right to par­ent their own chil­dren. Tar­get says on its web­site: GLSEN leads the move­ment in cre­at­ing affirm­ing acces­si­ble and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ stu­dents They are proud of the 10+ years of col­lab­o­ra­tion with GLSEN and con­tin­ue to sup­port their mis­sion. GLSEN works for every stu­dent who has the right to a safe, sup­port­ive and LGBTQ inclu­sive K‑12 edu­ca­tion. GLSEN is a nation­al net­work of edu­ca­tors, stu­dents and local GLSEN chap­ters work­ing to make this right a real­i­ty.
  • Any law­mak­er that tells you that you are over­re­act­ing is lying to you. They are ter­ri­fied of the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty. Watch what hap­pens to these groups. They are not pro­tect­ing your chil­dren in GA.
  • GLSEN Research Insti­tute has 20 years of exper­tise on how to sup­port LGBTQ youth in schools and extracur­ric­u­lar activies. Our research has helped to: moti­vate leg­is­la­tors to act on the chal­lenges that LGBTQ stu­dents face in their home states, alert prin­ci­pals and oth­er admin­is­tra­tors why Gen­der and Sex­u­al­i­ty alliances, enu­mer­at­ed poli­cies and oth­er resources are so impor­tant to cre­at­ing safe and respect­ful school com­mu­ni­ties. Edu­cate stu­dents and school staff about LGBTQ stu­dent expe­ri­ences of bul­ly­ing and harass­ment. Iden­ti­fy and pro­mote best prac­tices and resources for cre­at­ing safe and affirm­ing schools. Devel­op evi­dence for LGBTQ-affrm­ing action through research in part­ner with oth­er orga­ni­za­tions inter­na­tion­al­ly.
  • They are total­ly in the tank with par­ents who don’t need to know. There are teacher resources on the web­site. We have to stand up and stop allow­ing them to groom our chil­dren in schools.
  • GLSEN web­site: Sup­port­ive edu­ca­tors save stu­dents lives. Hav­ing just one vis­i­bly sup­port­ive edu­ca­tor in a school can ensure that LGBTQ stu­dents feel safe, wel­comed and encour­aged to learn. Show you sup­port by dis­play­ing a Safe Space stick­er and poster in your class­room. Learn how to dis­cuss bul­ly­ing, gen­der roles or fam­i­ly diver­si­ty with ele­men­tary-aged stu­dents. Include pos­i­tive rep­re­sen­ta­tion of LGBTQ peo­ple in your cur­ricu­lum. Inspire your stu­dents of all ages and all iden­ti­ties to be kind, sup­port oth­ers and speake up when they see bul­ly­ing. GLSEN edu­ca­tion team has cre­at­ed edu­ca­tor guides for each of our days of action, along with oth­er resources for increas­ing LGBTQ vis­i­bil­i­ty and affir­ma­tion in any cur­ricu­lum.
  • Won­der if we are going through our class­rooms and see­ing which teacher has been infil­trat­ed. They are apply­ing for jobs in your schools all across the Unit­ed States, even in the safe school zones. They are in fear of stand­ing up because they could lose fed­er­al fund­ing.
  • The democ­rats dont lose. If McCarthy comes out and says he has a deal to allow the increase but we are going to pro­tect our chil­dren and drop all the title 9 and stop bio­log­i­cal males from going into girls bath­rooms and lock­er rooms.
  • Break­ing: NV democ­rats just intro­duced and passed a last minute floor amend­ment that fines NV school boards $5000/day if they block bio­log­i­cal boys from girls’ bath­rooms, lock­er rooms or play­ing in girls sports. This last minute amend­ment intro­duced by Dem State Sen Donte had no pub­lic hear­ing and passed on par­ty lines. This is what NV democ­rats are sneak­ing in dur­ing the final days of ses­sion, hop­ing they dont notice what they are doing to your kids.
  • This is the game plan. Accord­ing to the democ­rats they have a total com­plete plan to destroy our chil­dren. We are doing a social emo­tion­al learn­ing exper­i­ment on chil­dren because we dont have enough law­mak­ers to stand up to this evil. This is what is hap­pen­ing in Amer­i­ca. And this is the bull shit they are sell­ing us this morn­ing, Speak­er McCarthy prais­es Biden white House debt nego­tia­tors as very pro­fes­sion­al, very smart. It is not pos­si­ble to step in and make a deal with the dev­il and call them very pro­fes­sion­al and very smart.
  • This is on its way. That is why this cri­sis had to hap­pen in June. and that is why the spend­ing lim­it has been sus­pend­ed. Long-await­ed Fed dig­i­tal pay­ment sys­tem to launch in July

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