News Category: News
Submitted by George McClellan What Americans are experiencing today and do not recognize as such, is a nearly modern repeat of what happened in Concord, Massachusetts in 1775. Then, British.
Submitted by George McClellan The term �Crisis� is over used to the point that whenever we hear it, it goes in one ear and out the other. In 2016, Donald.
Submitted by George McClellan Apparently I have been misinformed these many years. Words that I once accepted as truths don�t mean the same thing anymore, at least in public discourse..
Submitted by George McClellan We are celebrating our Memorial Day weekend honoring those in military service who made the ultimate sacrifice of losing their lives in armed conflict against enemies.
Submitted by George McClellan Not only is the Federal government of Joe Biden corrupt and rotten to its core, it�s dysfunctional as well and has to be brought to an.
Submitted by George McClellan Is it accidental or on purpose? Review the society changing game plan of Saul Alinsky and you�ll have your answer. I don�t pretend Joe has any.